Svarta Kaffið í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandSvarta Kaffið



🕗 opnunartími

54, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 2999
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1444991, Longitude: -21.923427

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Dave Carter


    You could walk right by this place if you're not looking for it! Wonderful spot tucked away on the upper level of a 2 story building. So simple, they have 2 options of soup (meat or veggie) and choices of drinks. DELICIOUS and filling, very polite servers. Place is always packed but since the menu is so simple, turn around time/wait time is usually very fast!

  • en

    Gary McAreavey


    You could easily miss this place when walking past, but once inside you won't be disappointed. The menu is very limited - you'll have a small choice of soup but these change every day. It comes served inside a small bread loaf and with very nice, creamy butter. Like a lot of other places in Reykjavik, there is a great selection of beers to go with it. A great way to keep warm on a winter's day!

  • Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud

    Miguel Eduardo Gil Biraud


    We had dinner here and really enjoyed the experience. The menu is simple: soup. If you are spoiled and like choices, don't worry they have you covered: meat soup or vegetable soup :) It's a small restaurant that can probably seat 20ppl at a time in small tables for two or three people. If there is a queue, you will have to wait on the stairs until there is place inside. The service is good and the food was delivered quickly. The soup is really good and it is served inside a bread bowl. You can eat the bowl when your are done with the soup. Doing it in the opposite order is not recommended. Even if they have only two soups, they change them on a daily basis. Definitely recommended!

  • Kevin Donlin

    Kevin Donlin


    They only serve one thing. When that happens, it better be great. This place did NOT disappoint. Fantastic soup in a bread bowl surrounded by locals. A little "hole in the wally" but make sure to add it to your trip

  • Alex Dyne

    Alex Dyne


    This was a very pleasant find - close to the centre of Reykjavik, and a very warming place to escape the chill of the outside. Not much in the way of variety, with only Mongolian Lamb or a Vegetable Curry soup available, but this does not mean that this is a bad thing! The soups were simply excellent, and the novel approach of putting them in a bread bowl is brilliant and surprisingly practical. The place itself was very cosy, and so after we arrived some people had to wait for a table (probably about 10 tables at most). The service was good, with orders placed at the bar (who thought beer and soup would go together). A definite "must-do" when in Reykjavik!

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