Sweet Hell Tattoo í Reykjavík

ÍslandSweet Hell Tattoo



🕗 opnunartími

Vitastígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 517 7575
website: www.sweethell.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.143925, Longitude: -21.922327

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Matt Probert


    Friendly and accommodating to tourists looking to get a momento of their trip

  • en

    John De Oliveira


    Great shop with amazing artists. Everyone is super friendly and professional. My artist was Marlena and she took my idea and designed it even better then I imagined. I highly recommend this shop if you're looking for a wonderful tattoo experience in Iceland.

  • en

    Troy Silva


    After Martin said he was into doing my tattoo I sent him art work and scheduled the appointment a month in advance of my trip, and after hearing hardly anything back regarding my suggestions I checked in a few days before the appointment to find out what time it was supposed to be, because I never heard from him, and the following day i received an email saying that he was sorry but he could not do the tattoo because he was "sick". My jaw nearly hit the floor. In other words the day before my scheduled appointment he cancelled. I was really really upset to put it politely, I had planned part of my trip around this appointment and given up looking elsewhere because Martin said he would do it, and I had been so excited to get the work done. While part of me tried to sympathize because maybe Martin was really sick I went to the shop to say what I had to on the day of my apportionment and there he was, not looking very sick to me. He didn't even have any artwork or any reference prepared, he was not even remotely close to being prepared to do that tattoo! I was disgusted. I ended up going down the street to Iceland tattoo corp and they totally hooked me up, they were busy as f and really tried to help me out, they got me under the gun with the right guy and he did an amazing tattoo for me same day!! Sooo so grateful! Im an extremely patient person and very forgiving and understanding and I hate to say negative things but my experience with this tattoo shop was just terrible. Getting tattooed to me is big deal and something i take seriously and i chose to go to Iceland in part because i wanted to get tattooed there and this is what i got, so lame!

  • en

    Kes Tion


    Got a great hand tat there on a walk in. Affordable prices, great artists.

  • Henry Borges

    Henry Borges


    Professional and friendly artists, very talented and creative. I spoke to Swavik about an idea I had and he produced this amazing piece of shattered ice to remember my time in Iceland. Their Google reviews do not do them justice! Find them on Facebook too! I highly recommend this shop to anyone looking for a quality tattoo, especially travelers!

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