The Icelandic Phallological Museum i Reykjavík

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IslandThe Icelandic Phallological Museum



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116, Laugavegur, 105, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
kontakter telefon: +354 561 6663
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.1430334, Longitude: -21.9156436

kommentar 5

  • Johnny Limas

    Johnny Limas


    The Icelandic Penis museum is a one of a kind experience. An interesting collection of real mammalian penises that is educational and interesting that focuses on the evolutionary bits of the different species. A bit steep of an entrance fee but definitely a memorable experience. Stop by if you're shopping in the area.

  • Charlotte Buchanan

    Charlotte Buchanan


    Not what you would expect! A lot of fun and really interesting. Buy your gifts here, they have really subtle t-shirts. Expect to stay around 30-45 min. It's right downtown so you can grab a bite and do some shopping after.

  • Jillian Gordon

    Jillian Gordon


    If you want stories to tell for years to come, this is the museum for you. There are some interesting specimens ranging from gigantic to microscopic. They also have some great souvenirs to bring home (I picked up a couple of phallic bottle openers to bring back home). It's much smaller than I expected, but overall it was a fun and unique experience.

  • Rubaiyat Karim

    Rubaiyat Karim


    A very unique and informative museum with displays of mammal phallus and others paraphernalia. This is a great for a laugh but also to learn about evolution in action. There were some surprises and overall well worth the trip to see this. I would recommend it! The museum is small so it didn't take much time to see the place.

  • Marek Obszarny

    Marek Obszarny


    Warto odwiedzić ten obiekt, by zrozumieć, jak powstała wyspa i jak to możliwe, że współistnienie tu lód z ogniem. Fajerwerków ekspozycyjnych nie ma, ale jak na Islandię miejsce wyjątkowo nowoczesne. Trzeba zarezerwować że 2 godziny.

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