Thor Guesthouse i Reykjavík

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IslandThor Guesthouse


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16, Skólavörðustígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
kontakter telefon: +354 847 5150
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Latitude: 64.1448255, Longitude: -21.931487

kommentar 5

  • William Rogers

    William Rogers


    This place is decent. You get a private room with a shared kitchen and bath. This isn't a fancy place, but it is certainly clean and well maintained. The bathroom we had was of decent size and only shared with one other room. Our room had 3 beds in it and a table and chairs. It had a nice sized window with a view of the street below. It is located close to many restuarants, bars, and shops in Reykjavik. There is no parking, so you have to find parking on the street, which you will pay for at certain times of the day and week. I visited in March of 2018.

  • Cavyn VonDeylen

    Cavyn VonDeylen


    Cool place to stay at with a great downtown location, free WiFi, and awesome atmosphere. There is a shared bathroom, so be aware, and it you want to go to sleep early be aware that you can hear anyone hanging out in the common area pretty loudly from your room. If you're looking for a good place on the cheap though, this is a great choice!

  • Sebastian Favè

    Sebastian Favè


    Most of the rooms are pretty small and share a bathroom, kitchen and dining space. Rooms are well kept and host is very cordial.

  • en

    Rasmus Nielsen


    A very nice and welcoming atmosphere! Right in the center of Reykjavík - close to a bunch of stores. The rooms have a magnificent view over the city. The owner even offered to store the luggage from check-out in the morning, so we did not have to carry it around all day in Reykjavík. The beds were very nice and the rooms were large and clean - including the shared kitchen!

  • en

    mike rigo


    Great price, great location. Can't beat it. You're sharing bathrooms with other guests but if that's cool with you, this is the best deal imaginable in an otherwise very expensive country. Again...AMAZING location. Most tours/excursions leave from the Leif Errickson church which is 3 blocks up the road.

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