Akurholt Guesthouse í Reykjavík

ÍslandAkurholt Guesthouse


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33, Úlfarsfellsvegur, 113, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 694 3194
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1374001, Longitude: -21.7085155

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    M. Co


    Nice cozy place! We enjoyed staying here. The owners are really nice. They use this house as a guesthouse. It has 4 2-personrooms with a shared bathroom and 2 toilets. The kitchen is big. Also there is a cat, Elsa. A very nice and easy cat. I definitely recommend this place!

  • en

    Brienne JuarezDeLaCruz


    I had a great experience at Akurholt Guesthouse. Location is great as it's not far from the city center, but enough away from the city lights to see the Aurora Borealis. The owners are wonderful and do a really good job at keeping everything clean even with the wet weather. My family went horseback riding and really enjoyed both the horses and guide. It's also very helpful they accept American credit cards. One thing I was concerned about before arriving was the fact they have a cat at the property as I'm allergic, but I didn't experience any symptoms as everything is very clean and actually really enjoyed having her around as she's beautiful and very friendly.

  • Melanie Rieder

    Melanie Rieder


    Tolle Unterkunft und super nette Besitzer. Die Reittour war auch richtig toll. Die Lage ist perfekt, sehr naturnah und trotzdem ganz in der Nähe von Reykjavik. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.

  • en

    Jürgen Ko


    Nice rooms, great guest kitchen, lovely cat. Only one bathroom and Toilett for all, thats a bit less for 4 rooms (9 guests in total)

  • Olivier Crête

    Olivier Crête


    Acceptable guest house. Considering it's probably the cheapest place to stay around Reykjavik, I'd recommend it. We just had to drive 3 minutes to get to a really dark place where Northern Lights can, in theory, be seen, but we barely saw anything that night.. except other tourists being taken there by tours to see the lights, so we guessed it was a good place!

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