Maxhouse Reykjavik í Reykjavík

ÍslandMaxhouse Reykjavik


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🕗 opnunartími

64, Haukdælabraut, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1270647, Longitude: -21.7271333

athugasemdir 5

  • Art Rivera

    Art Rivera


    Johanna was the best hostess in Iceland. Our room was immaculate and clean. She was very welcoming and had lots of information for us. There was a storm and she let us stay another night even though she had blocked it off for her day off. We were very appreciative. Thank you Johanna if you read this! Would highly recommend staying here.

  • Michael Channon

    Michael Channon


    I'm not fond of properties that are all shinning but with not much substance. My main critique was the layout which was not good. The shared kitchen was open planned, with hard surfaces all around which would make lots of noises by the user and wake you up if someone was boiling the kettle or getting a plate out to use. It wasn't a comfortable place for that reason - you heard everyone in the place. Drlling included. The building and plot was still unfinished - which I am sure in time it will look nicer than when I was there upon completion. Not fond of the concrete stairs in the exposed elements that lead to the main entrance as they were constantly icy and slippery. Extremely dangerous. The owner whom we met (and lived upstairs in the "main" house) was pleasant and very happy which was a reason for giving it two stars. She did make an effort, but the place itself (including the location) was a suburban house at best with rooms purposely made for an extra family income. More of a hostel than a hotel (if it weren't for the price). Too expensive. Overall, underwhelmed greatly by the experience and expense of this place.

  • nl

    Ger Rietveld


    Prima modern Guesthouse, met mooie kamers. In de buurt van Reykjavik. Supermarkt en fast food op een paar minuten

  • de

    Dirk Baum


    Super netter Empfang durch die Hausherrin. Tolles Zimmer, Tolles Bad und preisgünstig. Kann ich nur empfehlen .

  • en

    jessica walmsley


    Did not realize it was more of a guesthouse, but very nice regardless. Very modern, with quite a nice view. Personal bathrooms a plus and a shared kitchen. Nice quiet area as well.

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