Alba Guesthouse í Reykjavík

ÍslandAlba Guesthouse


engar upplýsingar

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3, Eskihlíð, 105, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 9800
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1357414, Longitude: -21.9193797

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    David Dunn


    Hospitality room and breakfast great made my stay a wonderful experience and a holiday I'll cherish.

  • en

    Debra Martin


    Visited Iceland and stayed at alba guesthouse after my grand daughters weddings. Even though they were remodling, found the guesthouse to be warm and cozy. Host was friendly and very accommodating. Breakfast was lovely start to our day. Would stay again. Would be like visiting a friends home

  • Roberto Gonçalves

    Roberto Gonçalves


    Great service, many toilets available, great breakfast everyday with quality ingredients and fresh coffe or tea made for you, comfy rooms & beds, warm place overall. The owner is a very nice guy and always willing to advice if in need. I most definitely recommend and will return here!!! Many thanks!

  • en



    Lovely little place that's very thoughtfully set up. Comfy beds, fast WiFi and a delightful continental breakfast.

  • en

    Malcolm McPherson


    YOU WILL GET RIPPED OFF Booked a room and then wanted to cancel, but they would not refund my money as said it could not be cancelled, this was not on the booking site at that time but appeared later. Was in contact with the unethical arrogant owner many times with no satisfaction. He then asked me to cancel and would try and fill, this was done but he still would not refund my money, he got paid twice, to me that is stealing and he lied to me. Why he wanted me to cancel was so I would not get a review request. I am glad I did not stay there as it appears to be a dive of a place. Never had anything like this happen to me before, have booked hundreds of hotels and had to cancel a few times with no problems or penalty. Do not prepay this place as there is a good chance you will get ripped off

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