Óðinsvé í Reykjavík




🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
1, Þórsgötu, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 6200
website: www.odinsve.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1441102, Longitude: -21.9314729

athugasemdir 5

  • ja




  • Walker Olsen

    Walker Olsen


    Extremely noisy, staff is not accommodating at all, no parking. My fiancee and I had to get up pretty early to go to a tour we had booked months ago. We wanted to go to bed at 10:30pm but were unable to for over 2 hours because the hotel has paper thin walls and a very loud restaurant. When I talked to the staff about moving rooms just to sleep they said no. When I asked for a partial refund they said no (rudely). The staff member told me “it is a part of Icelandic life for the restaurant to be loud and I would have to get use to it”. I would not recommend staying here unless you want to pay a lot of money to not sleep and walk 10 mins to get your car. They claim to be a 4 star hotel but I would not believe this for one second.

  • Anne Lipnicky

    Anne Lipnicky


    Sonja was incredibly helpful. Our airline lost our luggage & she directed us to help us replace some needed items. She _ all the front desk people were very knowledgeable about the tours. Rooms & bed were very comfortable & clean. We'd recommend it to our family & friends. 👍👍👍

  • Rebecca Hott

    Rebecca Hott


    Great hotel! It's close enough to the city center area to walk around yet far enough away from the hustle and noise. Our room was spacious with a great view of Hallgrimskirkja. The bathroom was also a decent size. We skipped the breakfast next door because it seemed a little overpriced, but there are plenty of cafes nearby. The hotel staff was extremely friendly and gave us many helpful recommendations.

  • Heike L

    Heike L


    Warm welcome and the Staff have been amazing. Very attentive and offers of help. We had breakfast there and it was a lovely and calm atmosphere. Breakfast was done right in front of the breakfast bar. When I go back, it will definitely be on my list again.

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