City Park Hotel Reykjavik í Reykjavík

ÍslandCity Park Hotel Reykjavik



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Ármuli 5, Entrance by Hallarmúli 1, 108 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 415 2300
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1391289, Longitude: -21.886219

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Carol van der Velde


    Comfortable room. Helpful and friendly staff. Breakfast was included and was very tasty. This hotel is within walking distance of one of the city's hot pools. But be aware it is an outdoor pool. Dinner buffet is also available.

  • en

    Michael Brown


    Great hotel. Rooms are small but very clean. WiFi strong enough to stream Netflix without issue. Away from the center of the city, which allows tour buses to pick you up right in front of the hotel. Lot of places to eat within walking distance. Breakfast buffet was actually pretty good for a free breakfast.

  • Adriana Kille

    Adriana Kille


    My parents bid on, and won, 2 free nights at this hotel at a charity event in August 2017. I can't even begin to describe how excited they were, particularly since my dad hadn't even left the country prior to this trip. Hours were poured into planning the perfect vacation and while we were all under the impression that they'd have a year to use the voucher, but my mom wanted to go for her birthday and it's been a dream to see the Northern Lights, so they decided on the week of March 16th. Unfortunately, my grandmother (my mom's mom), entered into a coma last week after a routine surgery gone wrong. My entire family remained hopeful throughout the week, but when it finally became apparent that my grandmother would remain in ICU and undergo additional surgeries, to be decided on a day-to-day basis, my parents realized they had to cancel their trip. This is the only establishment who was not even remotely accommodating. Flights were refunded, additional AirBnBs that were booked were refunded, tours have been graciously refunded for credit. But this hotel refused to extend the voucher period past March. Apparently, the voucher was only valid August (the event was in mid August) until March. Obviously, my parents can't schedule a trip when the fate of my grandma changes day to day. I think it reflects quite poorly on management that they wouldn't even consider extending the voucher by a month or two, given the circumstances. There are so many amazing places to choose from for accommodations in Iceland (I know this thanks to the hours and hours of planning I did for her trip, and my own trip coming up later this year), so I would urge you to look elsewhere when your planning your own trip.

  • Og Synir Ehf

    Og Synir Ehf


    Frábært eins og venjulega

  • ko

    minkyoung kim


    중심부라 멀어서 차가 있어야합니다. 주차는 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다. 객실은 넓진 않은데 아늑하고 조용합니다. 조식은 가짓수가 많거나 화려하진 않지만 깔끔하고 맛있었어요. 중저가에 편하게 이용할 수 있는 곳이었고 스탭도 친절했습니다

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