Northern Comfort Apartments í Reykjavík

ÍslandNorthern Comfort Apartments


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Skipholt, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 2166
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1413599, Longitude: -21.9064506

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Alex Nichtwichtig


    Clean and comfortable self-check-in-hotel with private bathroom and kitchenette. The interior has to offer everything you need for your daily life and you can cook your own meals. Although they could offer a little more dishes so that you do not need to use the dishwasher after every meal. The information they provide about the closest area of the hotel is detailed and really helpful. They also provide soap, instant coffee, tea, sugar and creamer, milk.

  • en

    Gareth Doherty


    Great apartment, quiet, central, and can't be beat!! Btw if getting the bus from the airport say your going to 22 Hill apartments, it's round the corner lol

  • en

    Jodie Hedges


    Cosy private en-suite apartments with kitchen facilities. Secure and conveniently located

  • Lawruh Lindsey

    Lawruh Lindsey


    We stayed at the front and back end of our trip in Iceland and enjoyed the apartments so much. We thought the location was superb and the apartment was everything we'd hoped it would be. There is a major bus stop that got us everywhere we needed to go just a 5 minute walk from the apartment and two grocery store options within a block or two. The kitchen was well stocked with everything we needed to prepare our own meals (even decent knives!), the bed was comfortable, and the room was warm and welcoming. We appreciated access to the storage lockers for our baggage and they provided excellent communication around policies and important information. We couldn't imagine finding a better place for the value and look forward to staying there again in the future!

  • Nathan Boucher

    Nathan Boucher


    Very nice! Very clean, comfortable rooms. Easy self check-in and hotel sent tons of very useful information about hotel, Reykjavik, and Iceland generally ahead of time. Very nice experience. Close enough to downtown but quiet and calm. Highly recommend. Has full kitchen, too, which is great because Reykjavik is INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE TO EAT IN!

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