Eldhestar IS



engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

tengiliðir sími: +354 480 4800
website: eldhestar.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9949375, Longitude: -21.1978563

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Lori Roes


    So friendly! (The people AND the horses) :)

  • fred durst

    fred durst


    Sehr freundlicher und netter Kontakt!

  • en

    Vilja Jokinen


    Well-organised and nice guides! They gave good advices to us and took photos of us. For me it was the first time riding a horse, but it wasn't any problem. We had a combo tour: at first riding at Eldhestar and later whale watching. If you have combo tour, you can't choose which kind of riding round you do, so it was quite simple. We just rid around the fields nearby the stable.

  • en

    Aja Gair


    Booked a ride with them after a bad experience with another stable (who cancelled a ride without notifying me). Eldhestar was the complete opposite, and were communicative when stormy weather forced us to reschedule. Once arriving for the ride, staff were friendly and helpful, and the horses seemed happy and well cared for, as did the facility itself. We were matched with horses who fit our riding experience levels, and the leaders did a good job of managing a wide array of abilities, allowing for some folks to go faster and others to walk and enjoy the scenery. I would definitely ride with them again if returning to Iceland, and recommend that others schedule with Eldhestar.

  • en

    Tina Brunner


    We went on a 3h tour with 6 people. the horses are super calm and know how to behave. 3 of the group were totally beginners, but not a problem at all! amazing when you think we went out into snowy and sometimes icy ground condition. the horses are used to the conditions and know where to walk and what to do. our tour guide was also very nice and helpful when we had questions. thanks for this great experience!

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