Frost og Funi í Hveragerði

ÍslandFrost og Funi


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🕗 opnunartími

Hverhamar, 810 Hveragerði, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 483 4959
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.006076, Longitude: -21.183993

athugasemdir 5

  • Gerry Palmer

    Gerry Palmer


    A warm and welcoming hotel in a dramatic setting. Incredible thermal hot springs heat hit tubs in the grounds of the hotel. Magical.

  • Stefanie Hionis

    Stefanie Hionis


    Food was outstanding! Hot tubs are perfect! So perfect, last night we could see the Northern Lights from them!!! The geothermal stabbed rye bread is a special treat! All in all, STAY HERE! Just do it. Don't think twice about it.

  • Jeffrey Engle

    Jeffrey Engle


    The room was really nice and had a great view of the River. The hot tub was great and very relaxing after a long 4 day backpacking trip. We chose to eat dinner there and it was superb (they cook the food geothermally). I also enjoyed their breakfast buffet. I only wish we could have stayed longer...

  • Dan K

    Dan K


    Wow, I'm not sure what to say. This place was incredible. The location was magnificent. Just 5 minutes down the road from a lookout spot with great views of the northern lights (season permitting). There are a couple natural spa's outdoors for guest use. The rooms are comfortable and clean. We had plans that required us to be on the road before the kitchen opened. We contacted the staff ahead of time and they had a small meal prepared for both of us to take with. So helpful! I'm not even going to try to review the meal. The restaurant here was unbelievable. The walls are all glass, with views overlooking the nearby river. The food was fantastic. We are doing everything we can to find an opportunity to come back to Iceland. We'll return to Frost and Fire without a doubt.

  • Naveen Chandra

    Naveen Chandra


    The cuisine in the elegant dining restaurant must be the main draw. The beds are extremely comfortable and the ceiling to floor windows offer great views (albeit views of the sky are bound by the close proximity to the adjacent hills). The hot tubs and pools at the rivers edge are inviting, but could be warmer, as could the dry sauna. The room is well appointed but the common spaces deserve some attention to maintenance.

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