Eldsmiðjan í Reykjavík




🕗 opnunartími

81, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 562 3838
website: www.eldsmidjan.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.143783, Longitude: -21.9187247

athugasemdir 5

  • Matthew Foster

    Matthew Foster


    They do a great garlic bread but they need to go easy on the salt. Pizzas are really good. Like that you can see them cooked in the tiled pizza oven on the other side of the counter.

  • Alfie Mallett

    Alfie Mallett


    Reasonably priced tasty local pizza. They do a lot cheaper deals on takeaway with only a small amount of toppings so check these before you order one off the menu. Nice beer and small place creating a warm atmosphere. Nice place with friendly staff.

  • Paul Eccles

    Paul Eccles


    We were looking for somewhere to eat on our final night in Reykjavik when we found this pizza parlour so decided to try it. A nice and cosy restaurant with a good atmosphere inside. There were over 30 different pizzas on menu so the will be something at least everyone can find to like. The pizzas themselves were fantastic and probably one of the best I have ever eaten, I had a medium which was 12" and the large was just enormous! I would highly recommend a visit to this restaurant if your visiting Reykjavik!

  • en

    KingBQueenB 1


    Ate here for lunch recently. The service was fast and the staff polite and efficient. The pizza we had was very good. The hot chocolate we had was well nice. The price was fair for the centre. We would eat here for lunch again. A fast & efficient pizza place!

  • Jez Villegas Peda

    Jez Villegas Peda


    We went on holiday to Italy last year and the pizza here is on a par with some of the best we had there! Totally unexpected for Iceland in my opinion. As an added bonus my boyfriend found "Viking Beer" which he says is better than any beer he's found drinking in the UK for 15 years. Reasonable prices here too & ordering is a breeze.

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