Gestinn Guesthouse í Reykjavík

ÍslandGestinn Guesthouse


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

29, Njarðargata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 788 2929
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1415367, Longitude: -21.9323212

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    paul hurle


    Gestinn guesthouse is the ideal place to stay for your action packed adventure in Iceland. Clean warm and comfortable. The owners are very welcoming the staff are lovely. It's a simple guesthouse but that's ideal as you're probably not going to be spending a lot of time there. From the guesthouse it's just a short to most places and most importantly a 5 minute walk to bustop 8 the pick up point for many of the tours/excursions. Would I go back .....oh yeah.

  • Amy Badikovich

    Amy Badikovich


    Great location for exploring Reykjavík on foot, with easy parking across the street if you do have a car. The beds were comfortable and everything was clean. We stayed in the apartment and the kitchen had all the utensils and appliances to cook and prepare our meals. Would recommend it!

  • Erica Kane

    Erica Kane


    A very nice, homey and comfortable stay. Couldn't hear neighbors in other rooms at all, no back-log at the shared bathrooms, quiet neighborhood so no street noise at night, less than 5 minutes to Hallgrimskirkja and within 15-20 to most other sites in the city. Great location and nice staff!

  • en

    John 2020


    Fantastic place to stay, rooms were spacious and clean. Claudia is a wonderful person who looks after the place and very heloful if you need any help. Claudia if you read this thankyou very much for rearranging the trip for us.

  • Dan Alon

    Dan Alon


    Excellent location, everything was clean a comfortable. The breakfast is crazy good! Thank you Claudia for being so welcoming a nice, the food was great! P.S As in most places in Reykjavik, the hot water is geo-thermal and has a sulfuric scent. Get used to it 😜

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