Go Car Rental Iceland í Hafnarfjörður

ÍslandGo Car Rental Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

Helluhraun 4, 220 Hafnarfjörður, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 551 1115
website: www.gocarrental.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.076451, Longitude: -21.944487

athugasemdir 5

  • Sadie Rosen

    Sadie Rosen


    We started off waiting in the airport after getting of a long flight to Iceland ready to get on with our day when we noticed there were no signs for the logo/name of the company we chose to get a car from...so we asked the information desk and she basically told us to wait... we had already waited for almost 30 minutes along with another group of people waiting for the same company... after about 1 hour we saw a guy with the Iceland go t-shirt and saw the sworn of people rush towards him asking questions getting info etc. One of our family members followed the man to the rental service where there were tons of people waiting to return cars and get cars and everything was crazy by the time we got the car we had wiped out a solid 2 and a half hours to get on the road....Returing the car: After and awesome trip we were ready to return the car which by what we saw last time we knew would be hard. Started off with another big line (which isn’t nesessarily their fault) and ended up being shunned for returning the car late. Overall not a good experience from this car company and I would not recommend Iceland go.

  • Rob R

    Rob R


    Go Car Rental was super helpful and friendly when they picked us up from the airport to take us to our car. The car was in great shape and we never had any issues. I'd rent with them again.

  • Susana Garcia-Saullo

    Susana Garcia-Saullo


    NEVER RENT A CAR WITH THIS COMPANY!! We booked a car 3 weeks ago. When we droped off the car, they said us that we had to pay almost 700€ for a car's damage (you can see the photo) We didn't make the damage and we picked Up the car with the damage. We had to pay because we had to go to the airport. When we arrived to Spain, I sent the evidences (photos and video) that I took before take the car in the Office the first day and the damage was there already. THEY DON'T WANT REFUND US OUR MONEY EVEN TOUGHT THE EVIDENCES. I have already called to the office and some Divy o Dinny doesn't want help us and he Talks to me contemptuously and shouting. When I said that the price for the damage was so expensive he said me: I DON'T KNOW IN YOUR COUNTRY, BUT IN MY COUNTRY THE WORK IS PAID. I don't know what I have to think about this comment. Are we slaves in my country? This is a disgrace.

  • Nick Chuan-Fu Shu

    Nick Chuan-Fu Shu


    The service and price are good and quick, they even pick you up and drive you back to the pace where you live in the city center. However, be careful when you get the car, photos must be taken just in case you will get the fine from the company. Anyway, it’s really good to have a car from here. Recommend. 車公司的價格和服務很到位,市中心免費接送取車及還車,車程約10分鐘單程距離,基本款車款已足夠南部和西部遊覽,推!

  • en

    Aja Gair


    Go Car Rental was easy to communicate with in advance of our trip, were flexible when I accidentally booked the wrong dates, and helped us in adjusting our rental choice once we arrived. A representative met us in the arrival section of the airport once we got there, so we didn't even need to take a shuttle to the rental car area. Upon arrival, we opted to upgrade to a heavier vehicle that was better equipped for the stormy winter conditions that were forecast during out visit, and the person who we worked with made that an easy process. Everything was super clear and convenient, and we definitely would recommend renting with them if you are traveling to Iceland.

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