Átak í Reykjavík



engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

2, Knarrarvogur, 104, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 591 4000
website: atak.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1281417, Longitude: -21.8481779

athugasemdir 5

  • Alastair Knowles

    Alastair Knowles


    Had a really good experience with this company: service was solid, they were able to squeeze us in at a time when other rental agencies couldn't - they actually upgraded us to a nicer vehicle for the same rate as a budget car when they realized their budget vehicles were overbooked. If renting a vehicle in Iceland, know the following things: (a) if you don't have a chip enabled credit card (most Americans don't), you can't pump at a self-service gas-station in Iceland, and instead must pump at a full-service station (one where someone pumps the gas for you). So when you see full-service stations, take advantage of them and fill-up if you're doing a lot of driving. (b) gas is super expensive compared to the U.S. Check gas prices before deciding on whether or not you want to rent a car while there (especially since you'll be driving a-lot if driving in Iceland - so many things to see and do and a lot of it is out of the capital). (c) depending on where you're going in Iceland, you may need a pretty capable 4x4 vehicle to get there (and understand that driving there is not the same as driving in the states - once you get onto their more isolated roads). Research where you'll be going, and what driving in Iceland is like before committing to a rental car of any kind.

  • Max Sprott

    Max Sprott


    Horrible service. Do not go here even though it's cheapest rental. Bad service. Take pictures when you pick up the car if anything. He tried to make me pay for a hole in the back of the car that I had taken a picture of when I picked it up, thankfully. We very careful with this company.

  • Veronica Montefusco

    Veronica Montefusco


    worst experience of my life, go with any other company. also, they have their employees contribute reviews to cancel out the one-stars. go to their facebook, every review not-one-star review is from someone in Iceland.

  • Sigurður Jóhannsson

    Sigurður Jóhannsson


    Mjög slæm þjónusta við viðskiptavini

  • Jukka Viitanen

    Jukka Viitanen


    Best service i have ever get. So friendly staff.

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