Go Fishing Iceland í Kópavogur

ÍslandGo Fishing Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

Hraunbraut 17, 200 Kópavogur, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 866 9354
website: gofishing.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.113701, Longitude: -21.911893

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    H Bjarnason


    Nice Lake Thingvallavatn brown trout

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    Joe Renard


    Heimir managed to book me a date very fast and a good day it was! The fly fishing for brown trout and arctic char was a new experience for me, but my guide Ari was fully prepared with everything needed including teaching and patience! When we got to the river, Ari showed and explained to me in a very thorough manner how to cast and retrieve. Soon enough I caught a giant brown trout! The fishing trip was great and exactly how Go Fishing Iceland said it would be. Very professional!

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    Peter Adams


    I had a fantastic days fishing with Go Fishing Iceland. I was picked up from my apartment as arranged. All gear was provided. I fished for brown trout and arctic char and I caught 16 fish over the day. Ari worked all day to find the fish and method. When I go back to Iceland I won’t hesitate in contacting Go Fishing Iceland again.

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    Steven Cobham


    I highly recommend Go Fishing Iceland whether the purpose of your trip is fishing or like me, you try to work in a day of fishing wherever you go, these guys are here to help. Heimir was very helpful in planning my day on the water. He inquired about the type of experience I would like to have, provided me with several options based upon the timing of my visit as well as cost (a lot of outfitters overlook this aspect of an anglers decision). Suffice it to say that there were no unanswered questions prior to my arrival. The level of pre-trip communication was awesome. My guide met me in the hotel lobby right on time and made sure that I had the appropriate clothing. It is much easier to remedy a shortcoming while at the hotel than it is on the river. Ari was super friendly and a very knowledgeable guide. We fished the River Varma and caught Brown Trout, and Arctic Char in the morning and spent the rest of the day stalking individual Sea Trout on different parts of the river. I will never get over the way your heart skips a beat when you spot such large fish in a small river. He did a great job of putting me on the fish. I was able to learn a lot despite being distracted by such beautiful surroundings. Should I be fortunate enough to visit Iceland again I will definitely be working with Go Fishing Iceland to arrange for my fishing time. A++ organization!

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    David Hillhouse


    I have been fly fishing for over 40 years and have hired a guide a few times in the past. I made the great decision to book with Go Fishing Iceland. I fished sea trout on the Varma and Heimir knew the river very well and provided me with great advice and fly choices that resulted in 10 fish caught.

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