Sundlaugin í Kópavogi (Kópavogslaug) í Kópavogur

ÍslandSundlaugin í Kópavogi (Kópavogslaug)



🕗 opnunartími

17, Borgarholtsbraut, Kópavogur, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 570 0470
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1103197, Longitude: -21.9169203

athugasemdir 5

  • Michael Williams

    Michael Williams


    By the water. Experienced a beautiful sunset. Quiet neighborhood.

  • Rob Davis

    Rob Davis


    This was for me the high light of Reykjavik. I was there in winter so going into the warm pools, trying out the sauna, swimming laps in the big pools, dunking my self in the cold pool after the sauna and going down the water slides was just amazing. I went there twice and loved every second of it. There is a bit of a procedure that it took me a little while to work out (with some instructions from one of the staff) so I'll outline it here. Start with going into the change rooms (first putting your shoes in the rack at the front) and putting all your stuff in the a locker. The take your towel and go to the showers down the back. Place your town and swimmers in one of the little racks on the wall provided. Wash with the provided shampoo in the shower room them put your swimmers back on and head out to the pools through the big sliding doors at the back. When you're done simply do the reverse and come back in via the doors. Have a shower and get your towel from the rack where it should still be. dry off and head back to your locker and get dressed and collect your shoes from the rack at the front on your way out.

  • François-Olivier Théberge

    François-Olivier Théberge


    We loved the installations, water was great and the kids enjoyed the slides We do understand as tourists it's important for us to wash properly with soap but my significant other and daughter did not appreciate being flowed around by staff to '' make sure they washed properly''

  • Kenneth Gormsen Johansen

    Kenneth Gormsen Johansen


    Geotermisk opvarmet svømmebassiner og hot tubs, der er tre vandrutsjebaner. Det koster ikke ret meget per person, voksne koster 850 isk, og man må være der så længe man har lyst. Det er alle pengene værd.

  • en

    Stacy Kristjansson


    Great work out session this afternoon, gym wasn't full so transitioning from equipment to the next was smooth & the rooms airy! Enjoyed maself! Need more visible staff to assist with equipment or questions.

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