Grettisgata Apartments í Reykjavík

ÍslandGrettisgata Apartments


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Grettisgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 517 4050
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.143887, Longitude: -21.92304

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Vicki Cotton


    Clean and well presented. Great location so close to the city centre. However, due to this it lacked parking, only had 1 space for the whole apartment block and the rest was on a metre! I feel there should have been more information about this on the website. Although there was no official reception, issues were still sorted promptly. The only problem we had with the apartment was the shower (even with written instructions it was difficult to get the temperature and pressure right). Could have done with a toaster or grill, and maybe basic amenities, tea, coffee, etc.

  • Courtney Walton

    Courtney Walton


    Very clean, and very affordable for the area. We stayed in a studio, and it had all the kitchen essentials there for us, like a coffee maker and dishes and pans. The employees aren't on site all the time, but are easily reached by phone. They have free guest wifi. We had an evening flight home, and they have a convenient locked room/closet to store luggage between our check out time and when we actually left Reykjavik. All around, a great stay.

  • Fraser Matheson

    Fraser Matheson


    These are good apartments for a short stay in Reykjavik. The location is excellent with very quick access to the city centre and the Downtown area. You are only a few minutes walk away. The apartment we stayed in was a reasonable size for three adults with all the facilities we needed for what was an active week spent out and about the majority of the time. The only facility from which the apartment might have benefitted is a small safe. The sofa bed is comfortable. Overall, recommended.

  • nicholas camilleri

    nicholas camilleri


    Great place. Cool ceiling lights. Nice set of apartments

  • Charles Noling

    Charles Noling


    Fantastic place to stay! Close to downtown that has a variety of restaurants, bars, and shops. The first floor apartment we stayed in had heated concrete floors, nice touch.

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