Grimur Hotel í Reykjavík

ÍslandGrimur Hotel



🕗 opnunartími

26, Efstaland, 108, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 535 0352
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.122114, Longitude: -21.8753079

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Cesar Carranza


    We really enjoyed our stay at the Grimur hotel. The place was clean, convenient. Icelandic people are very friendly, but Zuzanna took it to another level. She helped us out so much and always with a smile.

  • Magali Bordini

    Magali Bordini


    Very good hotel, nice localisation and close to the city centre. We did not use the public transport but there's a bus stop in the front of the hotel. Big parking lot for cars and a supermarket on the building as well. Everything is self check-in. They send you codes and you don't need anything else. Very good breakfast, cozy and clean place. Staff very friendly and helpful but wi-fi was not working properly on my phone. We loved the stay and we recommend it.

  • en

    Anand Argula


    Great place to stay when in Reykjavik. Good clean facilities. You get the codes to enter the place and your room prior to check in and that's it. No staff needed. Hassle free check in and check out procedure. Decent location, 7 to 10 mins from the city centre.

  • Johanna Dore

    Johanna Dore


    Considering how everything around here is so expensive, this hotel is pretty great. I mean, it's still not affordable for some, but I enjoyed my stay here and that makes it worth the money.

  • Ildiko Bee

    Ildiko Bee


    Udvarias, segítőkész recepciós. Jó helyen van, de a buszok befizetett kiránduláskor mégse akarnak eljönni az emberért.

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