Guesthouse Garun í Selfoss

ÍslandGuesthouse Garun



🕗 opnunartími

Skólavellir 7, 800 Selfoss, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 864 3250
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9357556, Longitude: -20.9963858

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Jessica Wall


    I have never felt so well cared for! I really felt like I found an ally in Iceland to give me advice. The washer here was broken so our hostess took our laundry home and brought it back fresh and folded. We enjoyed our stay so much. Great accommodations and a great hostess!

  • Carrie Lam-Chin

    Carrie Lam-Chin


    Nice place to stay and they have hot tub from 6.30pm until 11pm.. Staying in room 201 everything was great except the toilet air filter is a bit noisy and its auto stop.. So basically every time the lights is on, it make very noisy sound.. 😒 Overall, staff is very friendly and kitchen is very clean.. 👍🏻

  • en

    Luke Tan


    Lovely guesthouse run by a lovely family. Host was kind and offered a room change for us even without asking due to a glitch in the alarm system in our room. Kitchen was well equipped with oil, salt, pots, pans, etc. Toilet was clean with good pressure. Best place I've stayed in iceland at a good price.

  • Seok Ko

    Seok Ko


    주위에 보너스 마트(차로 3분)도 있고 다른 마트, 피자집 등이 있습니다. 방은 컸고 시설도 나름 괜찮았습니다만, 조금 추웠습니다. 창문이 커서 그런지 창문쪽에 라디에이터 있었지만 춥네요. 공용 부엌이 작지만 사용하는데 문제는 없었습니다. 부엌에 공용 냉장고 있어서 사용 가능했습니다. 부엌에 뜨거운 물이나 커피, 코코아 등 있어서 먹어도 됩니다. 노천온천은 저녁 7시에서 11시까지 사용가능하다고 했으나 사용하지는 않았습니다. 물은 40도라고 써있었습니다. 스텝들은 다 친절했습니다.

  • Russell Levine

    Russell Levine


    This was an excellent guesthouse to stay at in a nice little town with good dining options. The host was very kind and the room was clean with a nice private bathroom. Breakfast is not included, but there is a kitchen available for use to make food yourself. Coffee is provided for free in the morning and there is a nice greenhouse you can sit in to enjoy the coffee in the morning. There is also a hot tub which we did not use on our trip. I would highly recommend staying at Guesthouse Garun if you are staying near Selfoss.

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