Hotel Selfoss í Selfoss

ÍslandHotel Selfoss



🕗 opnunartími

Eyravegur, 800, Selfoss, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 480 2500
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9372575, Longitude: -21.0056065

athugasemdir 5

  • Aanand Thiyagarajan

    Aanand Thiyagarajan


    Large hotel with plenty of rooms and good service.

  • en

    Bobby Chu


    Nice smart mid tier hotel in Selfoss. You get basic bath/shampoo combo in the bathroom and a hairdryer. Located next to the river Ölfusá it has an on site restaurant (which I didn't try) and other food places near by including Menan Thai restaurant, domino's pizza, a burger place, yellow and Tryggvaskáli restaurant.

  • en

    Svetoslav Tsvetkov


    Very good location close to one of the exits of the city. Rooms are very clean and well equiped. Bathroom has perfect hygiene. The restaurant is nice and it has beautiful view of the river and mountain. In close location there are a few restaurants and shops. Parking is big enough. Staff are friendly, professional and speak perfect english. I highly recommend this hotel!

  • Wei



    Rooms were nice and clean. However, we were there for a tour and they were putting 3 into a single room. Not really a problem but the king bed couldn't be separated even though they provided separate comforter. Other the hotel is at a nice location and the breakfast was really good

  • Louise Allen

    Louise Allen


    Hotel lobby a lot nicer than the actual rooms. Rooms were basic but very clean. Exquisite view from room window. Breakfast was basic enough. Friendly staff

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