HOSTEL B47 í Reykjavík

ÍslandHOSTEL B47


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🕗 opnunartími

47, Barónsstígur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 458 9000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1409007, Longitude: -21.92194

athugasemdir 5

  • Roisin Kelly

    Roisin Kelly


    Sleep on the street before staying here. This ‘hostel’ is by far the worst I have ever stayed in. There are so many things wrong with this place that it is hard to understand how it has not been shutdown. No attendant at reception at any point during my 4 night stay. You have to call a number Dirty toilet and showering areas. Kitchen in disarray and dirty. Think a crack den except with normal people travelling and trying to make sense of what is going on. Don’t stay here. I returned from my trip to find out I had been charged THREE times the cost of my booking. After 3 months of no email response or someone returning my call, I finally got speaking to the manager called Skapti. He said he would look into it and that it is most likely “human error” by his staff. No issue, I was happy to feel progress was being made. That is until I sat waiting again, now 6 weeks on and still no update, response or returned calls. Atrocious service.

  • Даниил Сикачина

    Даниил Сикачина


    Удобное место расположение хостела. В самом центре и по самой низкой цене. Но на кухне очень грязно, посуда вся немытая, мусорка с горкой. На кухне нет плиты, только микроволновка. Плюс: наличие большого кол-во сан узлов и расположение.

  • eo

    Giga Giorgidze


    Chemi sskvareli adgili. Islandia 2017

  • en

    Nathan Chilton


    Location is amazing, right by the main strip of the city. Room was really clean and nice, beds super comfy!

  • Mika Baer

    Mika Baer


    Would not stay here again. The location is pretty good and maybe my experience was skewed as I stayed here over New Years. I expect to share bathrooms in guest houses etc. but there was one shared men's and one shared women's for too many people. During the seven times throughout the day/night I went to use the bathroom the women's was always occupied. Forced to use the men's - which was filthy, had a broken window where it appeared a rock had been thrown through, and ran out of toilet paper. Woke up to a very irate guest who was pounding on the door next to us and screaming for about 2 hours. No staff in sight and the situation was not dealt with. The full kitchen was great, the location is pretty good, and the host at check in was fantastic. That said, never coming back here again.

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