Hótel Klettur í Reykjavík

ÍslandHótel Klettur



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Mjoelnisholti 12-14, 105 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 440 1600
website: www.hotelklettur.is
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.142017, Longitude: -21.910257

athugasemdir 5

  • Paul Downs

    Paul Downs


    Nice hotel quite centrally located. Reception did however book our room out to an elderly German couple an hour after check in, in error. This resulting in them letting themselves into our room while me and the wife were 'celebrating' a safe flight.... not ideal in that respect.... the German guy might disagree though aye??

  • Jennifer Svajda

    Jennifer Svajda


    My husband and I stayed over Christmas and everything about our stay was wonderful. The staff was extremely friendly and helpful. We had to buy dinner at the hotel’s refreshment center on Christmas Eve due to plans falling through, and the staff was kind enough to let us use their microwave to heat it up. Every person at the front desk, the breakfast room, and on housekeeping was willing to talk, listen, and help whenever we needed it. The hotel is close to the main shopping area with plenty of restaurants nearby. The breakfast was light, refreshing and delicious. Since returning home, I have missed my Swiss Mocha that I had every morning. 10/10 would stay again and would recommend this hotel to anyone visiting Reykjavik!

  • en

    Don Sien


    Very nice hotel with good location in city. Walking distance to many popular attractions and shopping. Excellent, friendly and accomodating staff (especially Anton who was very helpful). Room on small size but typical outside of USA. Clean with all basic amenities. Hotel has almost everything but gym/pool. Full continental breakfast is provided. Would stay again when we return for northern lights!

  • Tirza Fogle

    Tirza Fogle


    Nice your class hotel with a very good breakfast. It's nicely located for walking downtown and is also near a market. They do have a tourist desk on site if you need help navigating or purchasing tickets to attractions. They have a nice bar and a game room if you want to stay in as well.

  • Kent Benson

    Kent Benson


    Great modern hotel with very helpful staff. Nothing is too much of a problem. The decor is modern with a great dose of a good sense of humour. The hotel is well located for access to the town centre. It offers plenty of your options with collection directly from the hotel as well as good secure underground car parking.

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