Hotel Phoenix í Reykjavík

ÍslandHotel Phoenix


engar upplýsingar

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Laugavegur 140, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 5002
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1429526, Longitude: -21.9110386

athugasemdir 5

  • Tom Stanley

    Tom Stanley


    A very welcoming small boutique hotel, well appointed and immaculate. Not a place for big tours or business groups, but if you come back, Jon and Steindor (the owners) will know you by name.

  • gareth woodhouse

    gareth woodhouse


    Excellent hotel in the heart of the city and the breakfasts were amazing.

  • Estelle Hobbins

    Estelle Hobbins


    I loved my 2 nights at this great little hotel, more like an upmarket B&B really. My room and the public areas are beautifully decorated in olde world style, with antique furniture, pretty floral curtains etc but with a modern, well appointed ensuite. The comfortable bed with good quality linen was heaven after a long journey and the location is perfect ie in the main street, a short distance from the shops but in a quiet residential area. The breakfast platter was generous and tasty. The two gentlemen who run the place were friendly and helpful and the check in process was handled efficiently and with a slightly wicked sense of humour..quite good fun really. I would definitely stay here again and recommend it to others

  • Juho Parviainen

    Juho Parviainen


    I had to cancel a booking here, so didn't actually stay in the hotel. But during the cancelation process the management came out as very rude and disrespectful, hope they are more hospitable towards the guests staying there.

  • D Hausman

    D Hausman


    A gem in the heart of Reykjavik. Steps from the Hlemmur bus terminal and on the main Street close to restaurants, shops and sights. Large comfortable spotlessly clean rooms. Quiet despite the convenient location. Very friendly and helpful staff. A large, freshly made delicious breakfast will keep you going until dinner. A bit quirky in that you have to ring the doorbell to get in. But overall a delightful experience.

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