Hotel Vogar Hotel í Vogar

ÍslandHotel Vogar Hotel


engar upplýsingar

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Stapavegur, 190, Vogar, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 866 4664
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.982475, Longitude: -22.3790439

athugasemdir 5

  • Isaac Li

    Isaac Li


    very cozy stay! really nice, home cooked meals. stayed two nights due toba flight delayd and they were very accommodating and warm. the vogar swimming pool is nice!

  • CWalker2222



    Very clean room. Extremely nice and welcoming staff. It is a motel where you park your car right outside the door. This made it easy to unpack. The motel lobby is nice Victorian style furniture. Across the street is a restaurant where you can make a reservation when you check in at motel.

  • lori



    I can't describe Hotel Vogar better than a previous reviewer who stated "Five star experience at a three star hotel"! The room was spotlessly clean and although simply appointed, contained everything needed for a comfortable 3 day stay. The friendly staff advised on directions, dining options, and helped us find extraordinarily beautiful areas, outside of the usual tourist destinations. There is a small store and gas station within walking distance and an excellent restaurant across the street from the hotel. There are a number of well marked and interesting walking paths in the area, perfect for an after-dinner stroll. Truly an outstanding experience for our first visit to Iceland!

  • Yvette B. Reyes

    Yvette B. Reyes


    We had a 5 star experience at our 3 star motel. Everything was exactly as promised. We were in private room in a section with two shared bathrooms for that section. Clean, large rooms and Bathrooms were very clean. Quiet. Staff friendly, breakfast delicious. About 15 minutes from Blue Lagoon which was perfect for our itinerary.

  • Tim Kilgore

    Tim Kilgore


    We enjoyed our stay here. The room was clean and nicely decorated. It was a little small, but it did have an entry area where we could put most of our luggage. The staff was friendly. The blackout curtain worked well, and we did not have a lot of noise. A continental breakfast was included in the price, however, we did not try it due to our schedule. There is no restaurant at the hotel, however, there are several in the area. We would stay here again.

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