Hotel Vogar í Vogar

ÍslandHotel Vogar


engar upplýsingar

🕗 opnunartími

Stapavegur, 190, Vogar, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 866 4664
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.982475, Longitude: -22.3790439

athugasemdir 5

  • Charlotte Moore

    Charlotte Moore


    We stayed here during the last week of December. Honestly did not know what to expect but the hotel is actually really nice. It's a bit like an American motel as you have to go outside to get to the breakfast part. Speaking of breakfast, there was a wide range of food from fruit to cereal and yoghurt. The seating area was also quite big and clean. The room itself was very clean and it also had underfloor heating which was a welcome feature considering how cold it got. The free Wi-Fi was also pretty decent as well. Lastly, the hotel owner seemed very friendly and welcoming as well. Overall we had a lovely stay. The only improvement I would say is that the Tv's are a little out of date. Well they're very old

  • Gavin James

    Gavin James


    Inexpensive hotel near the Blue Lagoon. Comfortable rooms, friendly owner

  • Nicholas Payton

    Nicholas Payton


    Hotel is fine. Reasonable breakfast. But the restaurant across the road is excellent.. but it closes at 9.

  • Mike D

    Mike D


    Needed a place quick that was close to the airport and this fit the bill. Friendly gentleman in the lobby. A little outdated but it had working electrify, heat, and a hot shower. Close to town for shopping and restaurants and to the Gardur lighthouse. If you just need a place to sleep for the nice, this is great.

  • Dane Vislosky

    Dane Vislosky


    Room was spacious and clean. Had all the amenities you would need. Great WiFi, good breakfast, nice people and all for a great price!!

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