Hreyfill Bæjarleiðir í Reykjavík

ÍslandHreyfill Bæjarleiðir



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fellsmúli 26, 108 Reykjavík, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 588 5522
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.131033, Longitude: -21.87504

athugasemdir 5

  • is

    Hjörleifur Bragason


  • Fion Chan

    Fion Chan


    Arrived in two minutes after we made a call! Very nice chaffeur as well!

  • Jo Boden

    Jo Boden


    I had a very bad experience today with a driver from Hreyfill Taxi. MY WORST TAXI EXPERIENCE EVER. Me and my friend needed a taxi from Blue Lagoon to our hotel in Keflavík Airport. It was midnight in Iceland and we wanted to hurry back to our friends in the Parkinn by Radisson Keflavík Airport hotel. At blue Lagoon they where kind to call a taxi for us. We heard him Saying Keflavík Airport and Radisson hotel. The taxi arrived and the driver confirmed it was in my name. Just to be sure he had the address I told him we where going to Radisson at Keflavík Airport. He confirmed Radisson. After 20 minutes drive we tried to recognize the surroundings whenever my eye caught a sign pointing the opposite direction to Keflavík 37 km. I leaned over to the driver and asked again and he now said that No, he was going to Radisson Saga hotel i Reykjavik just like we told him. Unfortunately he was sure of that there was NO Radisson hotel at the airport and that he had confirmed with us at the start that it was indeed Radisson Saga in Reykjavik we were going. I apologized but showed him my hotel key card which said Park Inn by Radisson and tried to reason with him that maybe the taxi operator had misheard the address but that both my friend and I were very certain that we heard him saying Airport and Keflavík when he ordered the taxi. The trip back to the airport hotel was scary. We could tell he was furious. He was accelerating and braking and making sharp turns and jumping the car over road bumps and even talking on the phone several times and turning on the reading lights inside the car to read on our key card if it really said Radisson, everything at the same time. When we stopped outside the big hotel sign, Park Inn by Radisson, the taxameter showed 13400 kr. I expected some kind of shared blame due to the inconvenience for both of us but he was stone cold. I suggested I payed 10000 kr since we payed only 6500 kr with another taxi company (A-stödin no 69) to go from the hotel to Blue Lagoon earlier the same day. He said if I didn't pay he would call the police and took his cell phone and started to punch some numbers. I tried again to reason with him. We both misheard the other when we met and just confirmed what we expected to hear. I said it must happen often when the hotel names obviously are so confusing? He said no. He was very intimidating and made it clear it was all my fault for not recognizing earlier that we where going the wrong way. - In the dark. - In a foreign country. - Going to an unfamiliar place. I tried to tell him we didn't blame him but in my mind it's crazy that a taxi driver gets so pissed off with a customer when he obviously doesn't really know there are two different Radisson hotels. One Park Inn Radisson and one Radisson Saga. We ended up agreeing to pay 12000 in cash and I had to go to the hotel reception and ask them to make a withdrawal on my credit card. After the driver was gone the hotel receptionist just looked at me with big eyes. He said he never experienced a taxi driver acting out like that and that the driver had kept telling him that the only Radisson on Iceland was in Reykjavik when this obviously was not true. As he was standing in a Radisson hotel in Keflavík Airport. My worst taxi experience ever. EVER.

  • en

    Andrew King


    Excellent service always on time. Being disabled they made our visit to Reykjavik possible.

  • en

    Drew Fountain


    The best taxi service in Reykjavik. Friendly drivers. Fast service.

næsta Ferðaskrifstofa

📑 öllum flokkum

Almenn verktakaAlmenningsgarðurApótekAtmBakaríBankBarBensínstöðBlómabúðByggingavöruverslunBílaleigaBílastæðiBílaviðgerðirBílaþvotturBíll söluaðilaBókabúðBókasafnBókhaldCasinoDómstólaDýragarðinumDýralæknahjálpFasteignasalaFatabúðFerðaskrifstofaFiskabúrFjármálFlugvöllurForsendaFæra fyrirtækiGeymslaGistingGæludýrabúðHeilsaHeimavöruvörurHindu TempleHjólabúðHverfinuHár umhirðuHáskóliHúsgagnaverslunJarðarförKaffihúsKeilusalurKirkjanKirkjugarðurKjörbúðKvikmyndahúsLandLeikvangurLeiðListagalleríLásasmiðjaLæknirLíkamsræktLögfræðingurLögreglaMaturMatur afhendinguMatvöruverslunMatvöruverslun eða kjörbúðMinjasafnMoskaMálariMáltíðirNáttúrulegur eiginleikiNæturklúbburPípulagningarmaðurPósthúsRafeindabúnaðurRafvirkiRv garður, tjaldsvæðiRáðhúsSamkunduhúsiðSendiráðSjúkrahúsSjúkraþjálfariSkartgripaverslunSkemmtigarðurSkrifstofa sveitarfélagaSkóbúðSkóliSlökkviliðsstöðSnyrtistofaSpaStaðsetningStjórnsýslusvæði stig 1Stjórnsýslusvæði stig 2StofnunStoppistöðSubpremiseTannlæknirTaxi standaTilbeiðslustaðurTjaldsvæðiTransit stationTryggingastofnunUndirflokk 1VeitingahúsVerslunVerslunarmiðstöðVerslunarmiðstöðÁfengis drykkjarvöru verslunÁhugaverðir staðirÞvottahús