- Rental Cars in Iceland í Reykjavík

Í - Rental Cars in Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

4, Ármúli, 108, Reykjavík, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 539 3009
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1380642, Longitude: -21.88653

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Matthew John


    We rented a Nissan 4x4 for 7 days, through The service at Orange was fantastic, they usually close at 1am but there were bad snow storms that delayed all flights in and out of Keflavík airport so the company stayed open all morning which was amazing, otherwise we would have been stuck in the airport for three hours. Upon arrival the shuttle driver is in the terminal with a sign for Orange and a range of other company names, just head towards the driver and they take you straight to the rental location in Keflavík. The pick up and drop off expericme was easy and hassle free. Would definitely rent with these guys again.

  • en

    Christopher Brustas


    I was nervous about using a broker to book my recent car rental in Iceland as I have had a few bad experiences in the past with others. That being said Northbound was Perfect! They were by far the best quote I received while looking for a capable 4WD to drive around Iceland in the winter! Everything was quick, easy and well explained! On a side note I ended up renting a 2014 Dacia Duster (Diesel w/ a MT) from Lagoon and both were great as well!

  • en

    Cathleen Davies


    Professional, friendly, easy check in and check out. Prices better than other companies ( we used Lava Car Rental) and they did not charge for some extras that other companies charged. Northbound is great because they have numerous companies to compare and choose a car.

  • Clinton Andersen

    Clinton Andersen


    We used Northbound to rent our car through Lagoon car rental. It was very easy, fast and even a little cheaper than other options we found. It was also easy to change our reservation before our trip. We will use them again when we return!

  • es

    catalina epalza


    Lo recomiendo totalmente. Además de tener un buen precio es un coche 4x4 y cómodo. Se toman la molestia de irte a buscar al aeropuerto o a donde sea a partir de las 7 am y si se sale de madrugada te dan la opción de dejar el coche directamente en el aeropuerto.

næsta Ferðaskrifstofa

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