Icelandair i Reykjavík

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Reykjavík Airport, Reykjavík, Iceland, Reykjavík Airport, 101 Reykjavík, Island
kontakter telefon: +354 505 0300
internet side:
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Latitude: 64.131175, Longitude: -21.9322319

kommentar 5

  • Kevin Danielson

    Kevin Danielson


    VERY DISAPPOINTED! My son flew Icelandair from Boston to London with a layover in Reykjavik. When we arrived in Boston plenty early enough (2+ hours before original departure) we were told the flight out of Boston was delayed ~2hours. Immediately we asked about the connection to London and were assured, by the gate agent “nothing to worry about, they’re holding the flights in Reykjavik”. When he landed he was told the flight to London had already left, stranding at least 20ppl and told the next flight was in 12 hours He missed his schools shuttle. When I called them, their response was essentially.. “send us a request for refund for his transport from the airport and we will evaluate it”. Not even an apology. I got the “it’s the weather” excuse... I fly all the time and I know airlines of course should not be held responsible for the weather... they CAN be held responsible for providing false information. Had the gate agent accurately informed us he would likely miss his connection, we could have made alternate flight arrangements. Fly this airline with caution. Their customer service motto should be “Caveat Emptor”.

  • is

    Árni Rúnar Hrólfsson


    Úff ekki í lagi.

  • Tammy Deloatch

    Tammy Deloatch


    I am very disappointed in this airline. Especially when you have a team of people here and just because you go on strike, you don’t have a plan for your customers!

  • nl

    Marcel van der Gaag


    In september 2017 met Icelandair naar New York gevlogen, met een tussenstop in IJsland voor een paar dagen. Nette, schone vliegtuigen, goede beenruimte en service.

  • Mateo Eaton

    Mateo Eaton


    It was not too good, first off, the food choices were awful. They only had pretzels, and regular sodas, and wine. Then, the flights are old, and kinda small. But there was good kids stuff, but no matter how old the kid is up to around 13, or 14, you get the same thing such as a coloring book with animals.

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