Icelandic Fish and Chips í Reykjavík

ÍslandIcelandic Fish and Chips



🕗 opnunartími

11, Tryggvagata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 511 1118
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.149978, Longitude: -21.9427

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Hilary Schneck


    We both got the special of the day: pollock with tzatziki sauce and chips which were crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. We decided on chocolate cake for dessert. The coffee was better than the coffee house we went to this morning! We highly recommend this place! Quiet pleasant atmosphere with helpful staff who were respectful and responsive without hovering. You will be happy you went!

  • Ansik Jeong

    Ansik Jeong


    Great food and decent portion. Got too oily as we ate. Pricing was decent for Iceland. Great sauce selections for the fish and chips. The place is popular and gets crowded for prime time. Parking was difficult as there isn't a parking lot specifically for the restaurant.

  • en

    Dawn Ward


    Outstanding. Soup of the day: Mushroom, served in good sized bowl, with 3 slices of freshly made bread and a side of olive oil/garlic/basil spread. Fabulous. Mango Side Salad: The freshest, tenderest spinach I've ever eaten with julienned mango, red pepper, roasted coconut flakes, green onion, and a delicious dressing that was in perfect balance. A delight to eat! Fish of the day was three choices, I chose cod and a basil/garlic skyr dip. Wonderfully fresh and tasty. Had latte and Irish coffee for a total of 8000 krona or $80 US. So worth it!

  • da

    Ole Burglin


    Godt og billigt

  • Mikael Hansen

    Mikael Hansen


    Frisk fisk. Hurtigt.

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