Icelandic Wonders en Stokkseyri

IslandiaIcelandic Wonders



🕗 horarios

Hafnargata 9, Stokkseyri, Iceland
contactos teléfono: +354 483 1202
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 63.836606, Longitude: -21.0640559

comentarios 5

  • The 3 B. Lockwins

    The 3 B. Lockwins


    This was an OK museum, the best thing was the indoor waterfall and fish in the pool. It was a neat concept but I feel it could be improved in so many ways. I don't regret going but I would not ever plan to go back.

  • Olivia Bennett

    Olivia Bennett


    We wanted this museum to be educational and expected a higher quality look into the folklore of Icelandic history, however, while the heart was there, the execution was not. Echoing the feeling of a student art project, most of the rooms were mediocre and some did not work at all, while most of the exhibit smells damp and old. Icelandic lore can be really interesting. This museum was not.

  • Daniel Morrant-Rolston

    Daniel Morrant-Rolston


    Experience was very dull, would not return or recommend. Elvish exhibit was poorly written with no basis for any of the "tales". Dioramas were not enough justify the cost.

  • en

    Joy Wigg


    Cute exhibits, ghost centre round the back not for the faint-hearted!

  • Apollo Zeus

    Apollo Zeus


    I just loved the museum. The ppl there were also very accommodating to show us part of their culture which was really nice. I do think one should definitely stop at this museum for the experience and is definitely value for money!

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