The Ghost Center en Stokkseyri

IslandiaThe Ghost Center



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Hafnargata 9, Stokkseyri, Islandia
contactos teléfono: +354 854 4510
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 63.836606, Longitude: -21.0640559

comentarios 5

  • en

    Liviu George


    The entrance was confusing but we managed to figure it out it was around the corner on the sea side of the building. The lady at the reception was very nice and offered us a free cup of coffee. The exibits were a little bit dated but still enjoyable. I think the elves part was nicer than the ghost stories part.

  • en



    we arrived and the ghost centre was closed, we rang the bell and were told it will open in a few mins. we waited over half a. hour in heavy rain, then someone put a sign on the door to say they won't be opening. he didn't even have the curiosity to open the door to tell us they wouldn't be opening. extremely disappointing and rude.

  • The 3 B. Lockwins

    The 3 B. Lockwins


    The entrance to this place was very difficult to find and up a lot of stairs, wish they had better / clearer entrance signage. There are 24 stations and ghost stories. I will say that this place was definitely dark, spooky , creepy, and scary.... I even jumped and screamed a few times with my girls. I will say we actually didn't want to hear any more creepy horror stories so skipped the last 4 or 5 and just left. If you like weird creepy stuff (like stories of licking a corpse to bring it back to life) you will probably like this stop. It was OK and I don't regret going but we wouldn't want to ever go back again.

  • Jacob Finsen

    Jacob Finsen


    Cool place to learn more about Icelandic folklore

  • Ian Pullan

    Ian Pullan


    Good idea. Handset with headphones was a little broken but big place with lots of entertaining stories.

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