Ishestar í Hafnarfjörður




🕗 opnunartími

Sörlaskeiði 26, 221 Hafnarfirði, Hafnarfjörður, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 555 7000
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.043265, Longitude: -21.913338

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Stephen Champion


    This is a very well run operation with well trained, good tempered horses and guides. All of the equipment you might need was available and prepared - all you need are comfortable clothes for staying warm and dry. We were picked up in downtown Reykjavik, taken their facility on the edge of town, and after being equipped and briefed, we took ride through lava fields, lasting about an hour. The group split into fast and slow groups. Since this was my first horse ride, I stayed with the slow group, while my wife went with the fast group. The slow group stayed at a walking pace, over easy hills through the lava fields. Us newbies were told how to manage our weight to stay stable through the hills, and had a pleasant ride with a stop for grass and photos. The fast group picked up the pace a bit - not exactly galloping through the countyside, but enough to enjoy the horse's super smooth tolt. My wife is a former equestrian competitor and would have enjoyed a faster pace using all of the horse's gait - but the group was appropriate for people with only moderate experience. They also had a photo of in the middle. Both horses - even the four year old my wife was riding - were easy going, not spooked by the cars or dogs we encountered, amazingly sure footed, and not difficult to control. They did not really require much direction, as they know and followed the program. Both of us were able to direct our horses to keep a safe (out of hoof range) distance from the other horse, until the guides informed us that it was not necessary : these horses are happy to trail each other nose to tail. This easy ride was one of the highlights of a week in Iceland, but may become exorbitantly expensive if Icelandic horses can thrive in Central Texas.

  • Donna Peck

    Donna Peck


    There was a problem at the beginning of our tour with us not being picked up. However, it was dealt with quickly and professionally. It then ended up with us having the horse trek with 4 of us plus the guide. It was a truly lovely and unique experience. You trek across the lava fields and our guide catered for all of our abilities. Would highly recommend this. We would definitely go again.

  • Katie Bayliss

    Katie Bayliss


    What an amazing experience! A must do for anyone in Iceland. Considering we only booked the night before at approx 11pm and there was a bus there to pick us up the next morning. The staff were amazing. The horses are absolutely beautiful and the knowledge you walk away with is phenomenal.

  • chelsea innis

    chelsea innis


    Such an amazing experience in a beautiful location. Horses were all very well behaved and easy to ride, you're giving protective and warm clothing as well as instruction on how to ride Icelandic Horses. No experience needed. Would have personally enjoyed a longer more fast paced ride, but perfect for beginners and a quick experience of Icelandic riding.

  • en

    Alan Chan


    Horseback Riding and Whale Watching tour. Didn't see and orange-red lava fields as described which was a bit disappointing, maybe it was covered in snow? Great half day ride, waterproof and warmth outerwear provided as as as boots and helmets. Icelandic horse have shorter legs, kind of like ponies. They have a small cafe if you want to grab a quick bite. We split into two groups half way with one fast and one slow which was good for such a large group.

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