Joe & The Juice í Keflavík

ÍslandJoe & The Juice



🕗 opnunartími

Keflavik Airport Southside, 235 Keflavík, Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9935037, Longitude: -22.6239331

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    AM T


    I wanted to inform you that I had a very bad experience at one of your cafe’s at Keflavik airport near a departure Gate. There was no one being served, one person was picking up their order by the barista. There was a long line for my plane to board so I stopped to order a coffee and a tea. There were 3 young men behind the counter. One took my order and after I paid I went to the barista. He did not have my order (!) and walked 3 steps to get it (!). He did not know where the tea bags were and searched through several jars to find black tea (!). He put the tea bag in a cup. He tried three times to grind coffee for a cappuccino each time throwing the grounds away saying there was not enough coffee to make a cappuccino (!). Each time he wiped the coffee filter out with a dirty towel (!). I stated that I needed to catch a plane as this was all taking a very long time. He was not rushing to correct the problem and seemed a little too laid back for a coffee shop located near a departure gate (!). I suggested he pour a black coffee as he indicated the machine was not working. He poured the coffee and another employee came over and asked what the problem was. They exchanged words and the other man was able to easily get the machine to work (!). I stated that I would rather have the cappuccino and stated that I needed to catch a plane. To make matters worse, the third employee who was emptying trash came up behind me (!) and with a nasty tone stated that I should not stop to get coffee if I am in a rush (!). I was really angry at the lack of professionalism both in the lack of training and especially for the provocative statement. I commented that I had plenty of time to get my order and the employee continued his argument! A simple, “so sorry if this is taking longer than expected” or “sorry we are training this person” may have been a better approach? But to blame a customer for their incompetence is inexcusable! Furthermore the tea bag sat lonely in the cup and I had to remind the barista about the hot water... As I walked to my flight the “garbage man” with the nasty tone harassed me while I walked away. Never appropriate! This occurred around 7:30am on the 17th of February 2018.

  • en



    Worse service EVER. A young girl in black, with long almost blond ponytail, glasses, is behind the counter. She turns her back on us. Its only after four « hello » that she faces us. Without any word. Absolutely NO SMILE. « hello .. What is white flat please ? - coffee - just coffee ? - with milk - ok.. and what is cup of joe ? She just litterally pointed something in the air. We took two espresso and left. Disgusting. Joe and the Juice, you should probably review your recruitment !

  • Daniel T

    Daniel T


    The people working here are either depressed or are too cool for school. Total attitude problem. Also, they play obnoxious gangster rap like they’re a club in Atlanta. Couldn’t stand it. You guys represent your country and the impression that I got from the staff leaves me not wanting to return to Iceland for anything more than a short layover.

  • en

    Steve T


    Turkey sandwich was good. My friends spicy tuna was even better. I was a little apprehensive about the super thin bread, but it was really good! Great food to bring on a plane.

  • en

    Hardi Gokani


    We had an avocado sandwich and coffee. The sandwich was fresh and very tasty. Better than most of the other airport food we have had. Would recommend trying it

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