Reykjavík Röst í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavík Röst



🕗 opnunartími

5, Geirsgata, 101, Reykjavík, IS Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 7777
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.150985, Longitude: -21.9435389

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Rebecca Fletcher


    Beautiful view and the most beautiful and delicious sandwiches! We really enjoyed this little haven away from the city for a minute!

  • Erin Heinz

    Erin Heinz


    This is a cute coffee shop down by the harbor that had vegan options! They offered a surprisingly good deal on mushroom cauliflower soup and vegan grilled sandwich filled with veggies. The coffee was good and it was a great place to warm up after our whale watching tour.

  • Mark von Nagy

    Mark von Nagy


    Best coffee in Iceland, possibly the best I had in Europe. Travelling kiwis will be happy know that these guys do a mean flat white (try it with a kleina) . Great, cosy atmosphere to chill for those stubborn, drizzly mornings when the sun is slow to shine. Good music always plays in the background and you are always treated right. This was our morning ritual in Reykjavik.

  • ryan lanteigne

    ryan lanteigne


    Great atmosphere and pleasant staff. I had the sweet potato & ginger soup with grilled chorizo sandwich. Delicious! Great views when the weather allows as well.

  • Jehan Jacob

    Jehan Jacob


    We really enjoyed this place. The service was friendly, good music, and good food that is reasonably priced. We got the meat and cheese plate and the breakfast plate. Only complaint I have is I wish they were open earlier. It’s a perfect place to get a morning coffee/tea and a small bite before starting your day.

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