Lambastadir Guesthouse í Selfoss

ÍslandLambastadir Guesthouse


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Lambastadir, 801 Selfoss, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 777 0705
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9447506, Longitude: -20.8199616

athugasemdir 5

  • Maxim GuideBaieSomme

    Maxim GuideBaieSomme


    Very nice place, a typical breakfast & very confortable room. Not expensive We have enjoyed and very kind people, with a red book for different tour. Let's try it!

  • de

    Di Bie


    Wundervolles kleines liebevoll eingerichtetes Gasthaus. Ausstattung der Zimmer ist gut, gemütliche Betten und ein super Frühstück mit frischen Waffeln zum Selbermachen. Sauna und Hotpot inkl. Die Wirtsleute sind freundlich und geben Tipps bzgl. Wetter, Nordlichter und Ausflugszielen.

  • Wallimohammed Datoo

    Wallimohammed Datoo


    Great little place just outside of Selfoss. The guesthouse is lovely and the couple who run it are really nice. There's a small hot tub and sauna in the back for those nights you're busy trying to find the Aurora. Breakfast is decent and the owner can really. Give you some. Tips on where you go on your road trip! Their guidebook in the room is great...

  • en

    Roger House


    Lovely out of the way location but not far to Selfoss for everything you need. Owner very helpful with routes to travel and advice on where to go. Very clean and tidy. Breakfast good but not a huge selection. Hot water for tea and coffee out of hours but could do with milk. No TV in room but WiFi works ok. Looked fantastic after snowfall. Would definitely recommend if travelling in the south.

  • en

    Christina Baker


    This was one of the best hostels we stayed at while in Iceland. The couple that runs it are very kind. They go above and beyond to make your stay amazing. The breakfast is fantastic and the rooms are clean and comfortable. They even provide a booklet with different routes to explore! What a gem!

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