Akurgerði í Ölfus




🕗 opnunartími

Akurgerði, 816 Ölfus, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 487 5188
website: www.facebook.com
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.975727, Longitude: -21.095862

athugasemdir 5

  • Geoffrey Gould

    Geoffrey Gould


    These are wonderful, quaint Icelandic cottages on a beautiful family farm. Dani, and Sabine showed us around the farm and took time to teach us about their Icelandic horses. If you're looking for a night in Iceland this is a must stay!

  • Ian Skyles

    Ian Skyles


    Sabine and Daniel were great hosts! The house and animals are amazing! We stayed in the farm house and I really liked it. I would include this on my list of places to stay if I go back to Iceland.

  • Christina Pasetta

    Christina Pasetta


    Sabine, Ben, and everyone were absolutely wonderful. We felt more than welcomed, we felt at home. Our horses were so sweet and responsive, and the ride was stunning, even when it was a bit cold. The hot tub warmed our outsides, and after the delicious meal we made ourselves in the quaint country kitchen, wine in the tub warmed us thoroughly. Under the brightest sky a magnificent Aurora danced its way across the stars. Thank you so much for a perfect memory :)

  • Kjell Christoffersen

    Kjell Christoffersen


    Fin utleiehytte beliggende på en gård som driver med hester

  • crystal heiden

    crystal heiden


    This guesthouse is the best place I have ever stayed in Iceland. Centrally located but in a quiet location this tiny house has a natural hot spring fed hot tub facing the mountains. The host are exceedingly kind and welcomed us to come and meed the hoses in the morning. The property has a dog and some barn cats that are incredibly friendly. I will stay here again next time I travel to Iceland and go riding.

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