Little White Castle í Keflavik / Reykjanesbaer

ÍslandLittle White Castle



🕗 opnunartími

17, Aðalgata, 230, Keflavik / Reykjanesbaer, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 861 6811
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.003604, Longitude: -22.5609231

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Judith Thompson


    Wonderful friendly host who helpfully organised tickets. Whale trip found leaping humpbacks. Accommodation is excellent. Warm and comfortable apartment. Great base for exploring SE Iceland. With hot tub.

  • en

    justine hope capunitan


    Excellent place to spent with family and friends, very accessible to go around downtown and you will never be late to your fight since its just 5 minutes away. (not unless you wish to stay longer to this place and enjoy the jacuzzi watch aurelia borealis and have a talk to amazing host "katy" and explore iceland thru her eyes. I assure you dont wanna leave this place! )

  • K. M.

    K. M.


    5 stars for fantastic place, perfectly clean. Location: 2 blocks away from downtown main street. The owner was helpful: offered a ride from the airport, not to mention pieces of advice about further trip.

  • en

    margo mcauley


    We stayed for New Years 2016 at the Little White Castle and it was a real treat! The host Katrin was most helpful and the perfect guide! She went above and beyond to help us with information on places to see and eat out. The Little White Castle had everything you would need staying away from home. It was really nice coming back from a day out to sit by the fire with a glass of wine or to go in the hot tub outside in their exquisite garden. Highly recommend this liitle treasure! Thanks from Colin, Margo, Charlie & Carol

  • en

    Carmen Johannsdottir


    Me and my hubby spent two nights in The Little White Castle and we both agree that the stay met all our expectations and beyond. Katý (the hostess) made sure that we were as comfortable, relaxed and best of all private as possible. We enjoyed the amazing hand built jacuzzi and sitting by the fire place, not to mention the optional home delivery massage service. A quiet and relaxing stay whether we wanted to listen to our own heartbeats or play the piano in the living room :-) Thank you!

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