Nordic Guest House í Keflavík

ÍslandNordic Guest House



🕗 opnunartími

10a, Vesturbraut, 230, Keflavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 421 1933
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.0080154, Longitude: -22.5614709

athugasemdir 5

  • Hana Čechová

    Hana Čechová


    Velmi cisty a celkem i komfortni hotel na kratky pobyt.Pro turisty nalehko : K hotelu vede z letiste take osvetlena cyklostezka (4 km), takze neni vzdy nutne jet taxikem. Lepe uzit jen na 1 noc, vylety se organizuji z Rejkjaviku.

  • en

    Charlee Faz


    Comfortable, and welcoming feel with its breakfast space and tv area.

  • Fab Duts

    Fab Duts


    worst guest house of our travel in Iceland. This is just a transit place to go to the airport. A lot of noise, I could not sleep of the night. People can arrive and leave at any time. So all the night you have the entrance door that slams. Moreover you have in the corridor a ventilation that makes a sound of the devil and the quality of the walls is so bad that everything vibrates. The buildings are an integral part of a car rental company in an industrial area. The positive is the personnel is cool, the place is clean and the schedule to the airport is included.

  • Stefan Waldvogel

    Stefan Waldvogel


    Very basic hostel, no oven, no toaster, no freezer, no hotplate in the kitchen. I guess not enough bathrooms in case of fully booked. On the other hand very clean, friendly personal, nice location, the beds are comfortable, the rooms are warm.

  • Daniel Johnson

    Daniel Johnson


    Love it

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