Matstofan í Borganes and Reykholt




🕗 opnunartími

Brákarbraut 3, Borganes and Reykholt, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 437 2017
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.5370684, Longitude: -21.9215316

athugasemdir 5

  • de

    Tim Klein


    Sehr lecker und großzügige Portionen zu einem angemessenen Preis. Burger 1600 ISK, Reiß mit Schinken, Eier und Gemüse 1450 ISK, 0,33 Cola 300ISK.

  • Dany Mii

    Dany Mii


    Great Food. Prices are ok. this is the perfect Place to eat after a long trip around iceland. Vers nice Service. Would definetly recomment this place :)

  • en

    sabrina zhou


    Its such a surprise. I almost wanted to give it a 5, but to be fair I adjusted to 4, given the fact that I ve been iceland for a week and have been craving for Asian foods. We ordered fried rice and fried noodles, it tastes pretty good.

  • Daniel Pui

    Daniel Pui


    The owner is in Iceland for 30 over years. The food here is nice if you are craving for Asian food. The serving could be slow though due to owner is managing the restaurant alone but the wait is well worth.

  • en

    B Tan


    Was craving some Asian food after spending over a week here in Iceland. Found this little casual restaurant. Proprietors are cute. I arrived early at 5.59pm. And restaurant was closed. At 6 sharp, a car roars up to the front door and a rotund man jumped out and declares restaurant open. But tells us in a slightly apologetic way that his wife (who's the cook) hasn't arrived yet! 5-10 min later, his wife arrives and takes out orders, but food took 45 min even though there were only 2 tables occupied. I reckon it's because she needs to prepare everything and cook the rice from scratch. We had the fried rice and the sweet and sour fish. They call the fried rice a "light meal" but it's a mountain of rice! Tasted pretty good. The sweet and sour fish consisted of 4 rather large chunks of fish that were very well cooked too. Overall it was a satisfactory meal and I wouldn't mind returning for a meal again.

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