Ok Bistro í Borgarnes

ÍslandOk Bistro



🕗 opnunartími

Digranesgata 2, 310 Borgarnes, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 437 1200
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.542954, Longitude: -21.909453

athugasemdir 5

  • Nico Brandes

    Nico Brandes


    Excellent food (the fish and chips are highly recommended!) and great service. The prices are pretty reasonable for Iceland and the very upscale decor. Great service as well 👍

  • en

    Ralf-Peter Schwarz


    Excellent restaurant. I have never had fish like that one. Amazing! I love you people!

  • Wilhelm Scheidel

    Wilhelm Scheidel


    The view is very nice, service very friendly and competent, dishes are really good and the restaurant is stylish and modern. We liked it very much. I had lobster soup and it was excellent.

  • en

    Jay Burton


    We first tried Ok (NOT pronounced 'okay'; it is named after a former glacier in the area) Bistro not long after it opened in 2016. Our first experience was less than great. Actually, much less. We decided to give it another try this year to see if things had improved a little, or a lot. They have improved a LOT from our previous experience. This restaurant is on the third floor of the building housing Arion Bank and the Nordic Store, and offers some of the best views in the area, especially on clear days and at night. There is an outdoor area if you want to step outside and enjoy the crisp, cool air. The menu features dishes not found at other places we've dined at in Iceland. Sure, there is lamb, lobster, fish, etc., but Ok Bistro prepares and presents their dishes in the style of a more expensive restaurant. The price is a little bit on the high side, although not when you consider it is Iceland. Even if you are not staying in Borgarnes, Ok Bistro is worth a drive from nearby areas (only about an hour from the outskirts of Reykjavik!). They are right on route 1 ( the ring road), with plenty of free parking, and an elevator if you are not up to hiking three flights of stairs. The food and service were both exceptional during our most recent visit, and we can now confidently refer our guests there. They have a large, open floor plan, with a very good amount of seating. During summer, you might want to consider making reservations for 4 or more, although we have never heard of anyone waiting long, or being turned away due to being too busy.

  • Patrick Durkin

    Patrick Durkin


    Best food I had the whole time I was in Iceland. Amazing! Five stars for sure. Friendly staff too

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