Matwerk Kitchen í Reykjavík

ÍslandMatwerk Kitchen



🕗 opnunartími

96, Laugavegur, 101, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 555 1550
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1432656, Longitude: -21.9169269

athugasemdir 5

  • Erin Heinz

    Erin Heinz


    I ordered the mushroom risotto, but it was extremely crunchy. I know risotto is supposed to have a bit of resistance, but this was like eating uncooked rice. My fiance and i wanted to try a nicer restaurant after a long day of travel, and this was one of the few that had a non-meat/vegetarian option and also served fish near our hotel. He loved his food, but the risotto was just not great. The atmosphere was lovely and the wine was good though.

  • Joan Morrissey

    Joan Morrissey


    Very cosy atmosphere. Food and drink choices excellent. It was really busy but they just happened to have a table for 2 - everyone else was in larger groups.

  • Jeff Springmeier

    Jeff Springmeier


    The food was absolutely amazing. My wife and I split the five appetizer chef special and couldn't have been more satisfied. The drinks are a little pricy, but very tasty!

  • Mirjam de Graaf

    Mirjam de Graaf


    Food was of excellent quality. We had the three course menu. For the main we could choose between fish or meat, both of which were delicious! Good, friendly service with a smile. The decor is very appealing and spacious as well.

  • Sophie Woolfenden

    Sophie Woolfenden


    Service was a little slow, but the food was absolutely delicious and priced very fairly. A nice and relaxed atmosphere with no pretentiousness. We were given 15% off our bill and two free glasses of wine (which in Iceland is about £20!) due to the slow service, so it does seem like this place cares about its customers and that maybe the slow service was a one off. Definitely recommend!

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