Mosskogar Camping í Mosfellsdalur

ÍslandMosskogar Camping



🕗 opnunartími

270, Dalsgarðsafleggjari, Mosfellsdalur, IS Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 663 6173
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.179586, Longitude: -21.6175831

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Sumin Kim


    One of the best campsite we stayed in Iceland, kitchen is in the greenhouse, well equipped with dish wares and stove, also all sort of left food from previous campers are available. BBQ grill is placed just outside of kitchen green house if you want to grill, coals were at left food table. Shower is free, it has no roof, let you enjoy the sky view during hot strong shower. We bought some farm eggs at reception, they were small but very tasty, try!!

  • en

    Ryan Aberin


    Out of the 10 campsites I went to in Iceland. This one was hands down my favourite. It's on a vegetable farm. It's ran by a family. They got an awesome farmers market every Saturday. The facility's are pretty good. They have this huge greenhouse where you can see your tent up if it's raining.

  • Arnaud Peron

    Arnaud Peron


    Arrivé sous un temps pluvieux, le réceptionniste nous fait payer le même prix que pour un emplacement extérieur et nous autorise à nous mettre sous la serre avec les tomates, c'est très agréable et bucolique. La serre fait aussi office de salle commune et de cuisine. Beaucoup de nourriture laissée par d'autres vacanciers est à disposition et c'est très appréciable ! Les sanitaires sont propres, mais attention les douches sont à ciel ouvert, surprenant avec la température actuelle (septembre 2017 environ +6°C).

  • Anna Dziuban

    Anna Dziuban


    Fantastic camping experience! Near Reykjavik, this is a perfect start or end of your Icelandic adventure. Great places for campers or cars with tents, cosy and separated from others. The owner is amazingly friendly and accommodating. There are toilets, clean and nice, and outdoor showers, the only minus as this is the end of August and evening are really cold. Great recreation space with long tables, fully equipped kitchen and amazing greenhouse with banana and tomato living plants. There is a table "take & leave" (see pictures). The owner sells vegetables from his field, fresh and yummy. Overall, perfect place which I highly recommend!

  • Matt Shinnors

    Matt Shinnors


    Out of the 10 campsites we stead at in Iceland, this is the best. Free showers x 2 ( while the showers were outside wasn't a problem for us in August). wc x 2 , large green house to cook in. Kettle and hotplate, can use cups, plates and pots from the campsite. Farmers market takes in lovely the campsite grounds on Saturday mornings, can buy organic veg grown on the campsite any day. Owners are extremely nice and make you feel very welcome and full of information, where to park in Reykjavik etc etc, camp site well planed out with trees grown around the campsite for shelter. Nice to get out of Reykjavik and on the Golden Circle route.

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