Reykjamörk Hveragerði Campsite í Hveragerði

ÍslandReykjamörk Hveragerði Campsite


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Reykjamörk, Hveragerði, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 857 9903
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.9989323, Longitude: -21.1816084

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    ylenia crocetto


    I have had a bad experience with this campground. my friends and I had rent a camper to visit the iceland and we had always stayed in campsites for free or at a low price. We arrived at this campsite and asked for the price (1500kr for each one), that was too high for us (We are 20-23 years old), so we left. The campsite owner stalked us with his car and threatened and intimidated us. he didn’t want us looking for another place to stay. I was very scared, we wanted to call the police. Bad, bad, bad experience!!!

  • Alexander Ramin

    Alexander Ramin


    Large Campground close to the swimming pool. Separated areas for tents and Campers. Camper area quite small, be prepared to have neighbors 1 m away.

  • Erin Hoagland

    Erin Hoagland


    Great convenient campsite! Best/nicest shower of all the places we stayed while traveling the ring road.

  • Pälle Syrén Mandelkonvalj

    Pälle Syrén Mandelkonvalj


    Decent camping, nice toilets, too small kitchen area and just like any other camping in Iceland – not nearly enough benches/tables/places to sit. Small playground for kids, a school with a bigger playground in the vicinity. A crowded camping, but there is a field which seems to be a backup field where a bit of privacy was easier to get by camping near the bushes.

  • Edward Orde

    Edward Orde


    When we were here this campsite was just far too crowded to be enjoyable. People's tents were literally within touching distance of ours the night we stayed but there were a few groups staying that night. There is a free shower for each gender and the showers are fairly clean and nice as are the bathrooms. There is a semi-enclosed "cooking area" but it was rather crowded. Even though it's a small campsite it is well located and you can very easily walk around the town from it.

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