Mountaineers of Iceland í Reykjavík

ÍslandMountaineers of Iceland



🕗 opnunartími

12 E, Skútuvogur, 104, Reykjavík, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 580 9900
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.136608, Longitude: -21.848412

athugasemdir 5

  • Sól Margrét Bjarnadóttir

    Sól Margrét Bjarnadóttir


    Amazing trip to Langjökull with Mountaineers. It is freezing cold but you will be provided with overalls and 'buff' to keep you warm however, keep on all your layers. The guides where fun and really experienced and the snowmobiling gave me a good adrenaline kick. The view was also insane!

  • Kenneth Black

    Kenneth Black


    I went on the Golden Circle Super Jeep with snowmobiling. I had a fantastic day - all 10 hours. Our guide John was excellent and even took us to several extra stops and places. Iceland is so beautiful. John's color commentary was great. Snowmobiling was fun (was my first experience with this). Excellent pizza lunch. Extra local farm ice cream stop was a pleasure. They even had wifi the entire time in the vehicle.

  • en

    Tina Almond


    Amazing! What an incredible experience! Our guide was fantastic and I can't recommend them highly enough. Snowmobiling across the glacier is something we will never forget!

  • en

    Peggy Orman


    Did the circle tour with snowmobiling. Fabulous weather and great sites to see. The snowmobiling was unbelievable. Our guide Geesli ( I know I butchered the spelling) was very knowledgeable and made the entire trip fantastic along with a few side stops.

  • Winfried Kastner

    Winfried Kastner


    This year I made two tours with the Mountaineers of Iceland. This company offers excursions with small groups. All tours will be made with their Super Jeeps. I booked the two tour “Pearl Tour - Golden Circle Super Jeep & Snowmobile Tour” and “Ain't no mountain high enough”. The Pearl tour led us to the three highlights of the so called “Colden Circle”, i.e. the national park Þingvellir , the Geysir and the waterfall Gullfoss. Afterwards the tour continues to the second biggest Icelandic glacier Langjökull for the snowmobile adventure. After leaving the Gullfoss you also leave all normal known streets. You see very quickly that you need for this a four wheel drive. Our driver guide on this tour was Alfreð. He brought us very safely through the deepest snow and the worse bad road and weather conditions. He also told us a lot about Iceland, its nature and its history. He knew everything and it made fun with him the whole day. On the end of the “road” we arrived at the Langjökull where the Mountaineers have a hut. Then the next highlight started, the one hour snowmobile drive. All participants got special clothing for this adventure. After prepared well we got an introduction into the snowmobiles which are easy to use. Afterwards we drove in a queue on the glacier for an hour. At the beginning and at the end the two Mountaineers Alfreð and Hjörleifur on their own snowmobiles ensured that all worked well with the whole group. The ride with the snowmobiles is an adventure and made a lot of fun for everybody. Afterwards we drove back to Reykjavík with a stop at the Gullfoss. If you should be unsure about this tour … it’s very easy and very safe to drive the snowmobiles. All runs with highest standards (special clothings and equipments, instruction how the snowmobile work, the trained guides of the Mountaineers, record the whole tour with GPS just in case by them). This tour was definitively a highlight of my stay in Iceland and also you should not miss it! I did it already twice (in December 2012 and December 2013). The second tour I made with the Mountaineers was the so called “Ain't no mountain high enough” tour. I made this tour with an American lady as second passenger. Hjörleifur was our driver guide on this day. He picked me up with his Super Jeep at my hotel. After we left Reykjavík and after we started the first part of the tour the weather got worse and worse. We came –for me- into a terrible snow storm but with Hjörleifur on the wheel we were in safe hands. But last but not least he decided to stop to proceed because it got too terrible. So we drove back that road and made a lunch break stop at the very nice tank station and small shop “Litla Kaffistofan”. Besides the fact that the lunch was excellent this shop is unique because the owner shows in it everything concerning Icelandic football. It’s also a kind of museum. After the lunch we drove back into the nature. In the meantime the weather changed completely and we got sunshine and blue sky for the rest of the day. That’s Iceland! The landscape there was absolutely stunning. After many photo stops we arrived at a cave that we explored with helmet and flash light. Afterwards we returned to Reykjavik. The fact that we could not finish the first part was only because of the suddenly occurred change in the weather conditions. That’s Iceland! It’s good to know that the Mountaineer guides know and decide when it’s better to stop and to return because of safety reasons. I can recommend this tour to everybody who will be in Reykjavik. You see a lot of the beautiful landscape around of Reykjavík. The tour “Golden Circle” is surely a must for all tourists but the other tours around Reykjavík that “The Mountaineers Of Iceland ” offer should be taken into your considerations to do it. When I’ll return to Reykjavik I’ll definitely book tours again with “The Mountaineers Of Iceland”.

næsta Ferðaskrifstofa

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