MyCar Rental í Keflavík

ÍslandMyCar Rental



🕗 opnunartími

Mánudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
þriðjudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Miðvikudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Fimmtudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Föstudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Laugardaguropið 24 klukkustundir
Sunnudaguropið 24 klukkustundir
762, Keilisbraut, 235 Keflavík, Island
tengiliðir sími: +354 552 1700
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 63.972808, Longitude: -22.5765681

athugasemdir 5

  • Quak Yong Sheng

    Quak Yong Sheng


    I wish to give an unbiased and unsolicited review for MyCar, we are from Singapore and happened to chance upon the car company during our search. We decided to went with them because of the convenience of getting our car (just in the BNB we were staying at) and also the price is reasonable. We were unaware of what was to happen to us in Iceland will be one that is truly unforgettable, apart from the beautiful scenaries and the adventures you will experience in Iceland, we met with one that was truly unique and unfortunate. Our car got skid during our return from Jokulsarlon back to the city. and it was damaged beyond repair. What i can tell you is i am deeply touch by the help from the Icelanders, whom step out to ask us if we needed help, gave us shelter in their vehicle (from the extreme cold) and some food while waiting for help from the reps from MyCar, police and ambulance. MyCar's helpline was extremely helpful, gave us assurance and at least something for us to look forward to as we were in foreign land and we did not know who else to seek help from. Although the car is an valuable asset to them, throughout the incident time, Dianna did not even ask or gave me any vibes that they are more concerned of the vehicle than us. which i am very grateful that she is taking our lives and the incident seriously. For this i am truly sorry that the car ended up in an accident. Dianna & Iris from MyCar helped us alot from the extraction of the vehicle from the crash site, which was beyond driving condition. Then facilitated our transport to pick our other family members from the hospital, then to the city. Even when we are back home, there was still communication and Iris had promptly chased for the police report from the local authorities so as to facilitate our insurance reporting back at home country. Thank you to the team! To future car renters at Iceland, driving in Iceland in winter is no joke as the weather changes rapidly, you can experience snow, rain, (very) strong wind all within a 20 mins ride of the journey. very unpredictable. And of course we do not want accidents to happen on us, but they are called accidents for this reason, and it is wise to get a good company with good follow up in the event of bad things. and i am glad we chosed MyCar for our iceland trip. Overall, the car was good. spacious. Brakes and all were good, but just unfortunate for us that the car skidded. For the record, thank you ladies for the assistance render to our family! We sincerely thank you for this!

  • en

    David Loveridge


    Great service, friendly staff, modern and clean car, great value for money. Highly recommended

  • nl

    Martijn Stoof


    Voor een redelijke prijs een auto huren. Goede service.

  • Angelica Tunnell

    Angelica Tunnell


    The staff were very nice & helpful! The car was fairly new & in great condition. It was a 4door Toyota Yaris and it definitely was worth the price. By far the cheapest price we found! The car was literally waiting for us at our bed & breakfast. Love it!! P.S. gas can be a bit pricy, almost $8 a gallon...

  • John Hitchcock

    John Hitchcock


    Rented a Toyota RV4 4x4 for 6 nights in Jan 2017. By far the best price I found online. Once we arrived at the airport I gave them a quick call and within 10 mins they collected us and took us to MyB&B where MyCar is located. The process was quick and efficient. Returning the car was just the same. One only minor point was the car was a bit dirty on collection, but unfortunately that can't be helped by the amount of salt they use on the road in winter. I would use them again no worries.

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