Pallett Kaffikompaní í Hafnarfjörður

ÍslandPallett Kaffikompaní



🕗 opnunartími

75, Strandgata, 220, Hafnarfjörður, IS Iceland
tengiliðir sími: +354 571 4144
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.06313, Longitude: -21.9576951

athugasemdir 5

  • Andrew Carlson

    Andrew Carlson


    Stopped in for coffee and hot chocolate and ended up having scones as well. All three items were very tasty and fresh.

  • Bart Larsen

    Bart Larsen


    Stopped by on the way from the airport to Reykjavik. Great coffee and extremely nice barrista. Coffee is a bit pricey but not too crazy for Iceland and it is excellent quality.

  • Jiunn Yann Alex Ng

    Jiunn Yann Alex Ng


    Great place away from the city crowd. Good coffee and food at decent prices. The cafes decoration and photo exhibits make the place rather cool and interesting to check out. Lots of information on where their coffee are sourced and the Latte has a bit more kick then other cafes.

  • Ruth Ferguson

    Ruth Ferguson


    This is such a cozy, lovely place for a drink or treat. David was so friendly and kind! Plus, free refills of drip coffee with our hot cocoa and espresso orders. Totally recommended.

  • en

    Jessica Ryan


    LOVE this place-10 stars if I could do that. Not only is it the best coffee we had during our trip but the pastry was to die for. We had a lovely time chatting it up with David and that so made our morning. This place was recommended to us by our AirBNB host and he did not let us down. Well Worth the stop. Thank you David for an amazing breakfast and chat. We hope to see you again before leaving Iceland California and New York girls

næsta Kaffihús

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Almenn verktakaAlmenningsgarðurApótekAtmBakaríBankBarBensínstöðBlómabúðByggingavöruverslunBílaleigaBílastæðiBílaviðgerðirBílaþvotturBíll söluaðilaBókabúðBókasafnBókhaldCasinoDómstólaDýragarðinumDýralæknahjálpFasteignasalaFatabúðFerðaskrifstofaFiskabúrFjármálFlugvöllurForsendaFæra fyrirtækiGeymslaGistingGæludýrabúðHeilsaHeimavöruvörurHindu TempleHjólabúðHverfinuHár umhirðuHáskóliHúsgagnaverslunJarðarförKaffihúsKeilusalurKirkjanKirkjugarðurKjörbúðKvikmyndahúsLandLeikvangurLeiðListagalleríLásasmiðjaLæknirLíkamsræktLögfræðingurLögreglaMaturMatur afhendinguMatvöruverslunMatvöruverslun eða kjörbúðMinjasafnMoskaMálariMáltíðirNáttúrulegur eiginleikiNæturklúbburPípulagningarmaðurPósthúsRafeindabúnaðurRafvirkiRv garður, tjaldsvæðiRáðhúsSamkunduhúsiðSendiráðSjúkrahúsSjúkraþjálfariSkartgripaverslunSkemmtigarðurSkrifstofa sveitarfélagaSkóbúðSkóliSlökkviliðsstöðSnyrtistofaSpaStaðsetningStjórnsýslusvæði stig 1Stjórnsýslusvæði stig 2StofnunStoppistöðSubpremiseTannlæknirTaxi standaTilbeiðslustaðurTjaldsvæðiTransit stationTryggingastofnunUndirflokk 1VeitingahúsVerslunVerslunarmiðstöðVerslunarmiðstöðÁfengis drykkjarvöru verslunÁhugaverðir staðirÞvottahús