Reykjavik Excursions í Reykjavík

Coronavirus sjúkdómur (COVID-19) Ástand

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ÍslandReykjavik Excursions



🕗 opnunartími

Klettagarðar 12, 104 Reykjavík, Ísland
tengiliðir sími: +354 580 5400
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.1551, Longitude: -21.869992

athugasemdir 5

  • Tiffany Wang

    Tiffany Wang


    FAILED to pick us up at Hotel (bus stop 10) and insist that the bus has came. We arrived 10 mins earlier than the pick up starting time, which is 40 mins earlier than the schedule departure time! Call their customer service 20 mins after we realize the bus is not coming. They said there is nothing they can do and refuse to refund us. We have a flight to catch! Very poor service, not convenient ( need to change buses twice before we can get to the airport, vice versa on our way from airport to hotel), and most importantly, NOT TRUST WORTHY.

  • Audrie Hill

    Audrie Hill


    We had about 2 hours to spend in Reykjavik thanks to a long layover. We pre-arranged our bus tickets and were able to get right on the bus after our plane landed. We had literally 45 minutes to explore downtown Reykjavik, and we felt we got our money's worth from the lovely drive and good dropoff point within walking distance of Hallgrimskirkja and thr Leif Erikson statue. It is a tad pricey compared to other countries, but we saw a lot of things in a short amount of time. Happy we took advantage of our layover!

  • Mikee E

    Mikee E


    Uncaring. Booked transfer to hotel, and they stopped 3 blocks short in the pouring rain with no explanation. I walked out of another tour because the short transfer (15 minutes) to the main bus terminal was so bad I became nauseated. I have been treated like cattle - there's no friendliness, nor care for the clients that I've seen.

  • Roland Potecki

    Roland Potecki


    Taki widok za oknem w pracy mieć!

  • sravanth Hindupur

    sravanth Hindupur


    Awesome agency. We were a group of 9 people from different parts of Europe. We took a 3 day excursion package. Our guide (I am sure I messed up the Icelandic name: Sverrer..! I guess ) was a really expert on Iceland history and its geography. I highly recommend this agency. Enjoy.

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