Reykjavík Harbour Apartments í Reykjavík

ÍslandReykjavík Harbour Apartments


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Tryggvagata 18a, 101 Reykjavík, Islandia
tengiliðir sími: +354 859 7375
Stærri kort og leiðbeiningar
Latitude: 64.149564, Longitude: -21.942443

athugasemdir 5

  • en

    Johannes Schick


    I love the size, the balcony for even sitting in the sun in winter. But honestly it should not happen that on your departure day at 4 am the power is cut. With the rest of the building is still in lights but you have to pack with the flash lights of your mobile phone. Luckily we didn't leave any belongings. And its risky to park in front of the door. At the first night some stupid hooligans broke our right mirror at the car. We had to pay 51000 Icelandic Kronas. Thank you Icleland.

  • en

    Christopher Semenuk


    Great place, awesome staff and priced very well. Best place to stay in Iceland!

  • en

    Liz Farishian


    All around terrific. Apartment was in a great location in the harbor neighborhood convenient to everything. Immaculately clean. We stayed in the two bedroom - very spacious and nicely laid out. Very comfortable bedding with lovely amenities including use of a cell phone, large screen TV, high end appliances and fully equipped kitchen, fleece robes, hair dryers and large furnished balcony. Really appreciated the coffee, tea, milk and sugar too. General manager was so hospitable. Made us feel like welcomed guests. There is construction in the area but that's the case ALL over town. Close to bus stop that many of the tours use. Can't go wrong with this property.

  • Andrey Dribny

    Andrey Dribny


    Very stylish, new, comfortable and perfect location

  • Trang Minh Le Bozon

    Trang Minh Le Bozon


    Great stay and even better prices

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